The New Girl - Chapter one

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Camila's alarm clock rang loudly, causing the brunette to fall out of bed with a loud "thud". "Dammit, every morning." Camila groaned as she got up and hit the snooze button on the annoying clock. "Dammit Camila, your alarm clocks always waking me up!" Her older sister Sofi yelled from the room across the hall. "Sorry!" Camila yelled back. Camila walked over to her closet and sighed, "I really need new clothes." Camila mumbled as she walked into the small room.

Camila chose a simple outfit, some high waisted skinny jeans, and a white crop top. She did her morning routine and about thirty minutes later she was ready for school. Camila grabbed her backpack and put it on her back, she then grabbed her phone and stuffed it in her back pocket. Camila took one last look in the mirror and smiled.

As Camila walked down the stairs she failed to see the Febreze can that someone had left on the stairs, Camila, without even noticing stepped on it causing her to lose her balance and fall all the way down the remaining steps. "Ow." Camila groaned as she laid on the floor staring at the ceiling. Her fathers laughter filled the room causing Camila to stand up and glare at the older man who was sitting on the couch laughing.

"Stop laughing! I could've died!" Camila said loudly causing Alejandro to laugh even more, "I'm sorry mija, I forgot to pick that up." He said and Camila rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah, I'm sure you're very "sorry"." Camila said sarcastically and Alejandro laughed at his youngest daughter. "Are you okay?" He asked a bit more seriously and Camila only flashed him a crooked smile, "I'm fine, I fall down those stairs every day." Camila said half jokingly and Alejandro laughed.

"I'm telling you guys we should get the stairs replaced with a slide." Sofi said as she walked down the stairs. "I'm sure Karla will find a way to fall down anyways." Alejandro joked and the eighteen year old laughed loudly causing Camila to glare at them both. "You guys aren't funny." Camila said crossing her arms as she walked into the kitchen, she saw her father had already made breakfast which caused the sixteen year old to smile. She grabbed a piece of bacon and took a bite out of it, it was slightly burned, but still good.


Camila's breakfast was interrupted by loud honking outside. "That's my ride!" Camila yelled as she ran into the living room, "Okay mija, have a good day at school." Alejandro said as he stood up and kissed his daughters forehead causing Camila to smile widely. "Okay papi! Have a good day at work, don't forget your files on your desk." Camila reminded him and the older man mentally face palmed himself. He smiled gratefully at Camila, "What would I do without you?" He asked and Sofi scoffed. "Sleep in a little later than six a.m." Sofi joked and Camila glared at her.

"Bye ugly, have a good day doing nothing." Camila joked and Sofi rolled her eyes yet smiled. "Bye poop face, have a good day learning bullshit you'll never use in the real world." Sofi joked back and Alejandro glared at his oldest daughter, "Language." He warned and Sofi held her hands up in surrender. Camila laughed loudly as she smiled once more at her small family and rushed out the front door.

She closed the door behind her and walked up to the black BMW that was in her driveway. She immediately knew it was Melanie's, "Hey." Camila said smiling as she got into the passenger seat of her best friends car. "Hey Mila." Melanie said smiling as Camila closed the door and put her seatbelt on. "You ready for another day in hell?" Melanie asked and Camila groaned, "No." Camila said causing Melanie to laugh as she pulled out of the driveway and sped off.


After a long car ride of Melanie's awful road rage and loud music, the two girls finally pulled into the parking lot of Miami High. They both got out of the car and immediately saw Dinah, Normani, and Ariana sitting on a bench next to the entrance of the school. Camila and Melanie both rushed over to them and sat down, "Hey guys!" Camila said smiling at her best friends.

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