The New Girl - Chapter three

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Camila's alarm clock woke her up loudly causing the brunette to groan, "I hate school." She mumbled to herself as she turned off her alarm and got up. "Every morning Camila! Every morning!" Sofi yelled frustratedly as she walked into her younger sisters room, "I'm sorry! I need an education!" Camila said loudly as she walked over to her closet to pick an outfit. "I was having a good dream about Lady Gaga serenading me!" Sofi said causing Camila to laugh loudly, "Lady Gaga? Really?" Camila asked as she grabbed a black skirt and a pink crop top out of her closet. "What? She's queen." Sofi answered bluntly causing Camila to laugh.

"Before you get ready I gotta talk to you." Sofi said carefully causing Camila to furrow her eyebrows as she turned around to face the older girl. "What is it?" Camila asked and Sofi shut the door. "Dad was drunk again last night." Sofi said bluntly and Camila frowned, "Again?" She asked and Sofi nodded. "Yup, I went downstairs and he was crying." Sofi admitted and Camila sighed as she sat on her bed. "It's been four years Mila- don't you think he should be getting at least a little better by now?" Sofi asked as she sat next to her little sister.

"You don't just get better right away Sofi, it takes a lot of time. I mean look at us, we still haven't gotten better." Camila said and Sofi sighed as she ran her fingers through her long brown hair. "Yeah, but I've accepted it." Sofi pointed out, "Haven't you?" Sofi asked and Camila looked down. "Camila? Haven't you?" Sofi asked again and Camila only shrugged, "I don't wanna talk about this right now okay?" Camila snapped and Sofi sighed. "I know, you never do." Sofi pointed out and the two fell into a long silence. "I'm your sister Mila, sometimes I may wanna strangle you, but I'm still your sister. And I'm here, regardless of what you may think, I'm always gonna be here." Sofi said gently, breaking the silence and Camila sighed.

"Look, I really gotta get ready for school. It's Friday and I just wanna get the day over with." Camila said and Sofi only sighed. "Alright Mila, I can take a hint." Sofi said as she got up, she attempted to walk out but she turned her head to see Camila staring at the floor. Sofi hurriedly walked back to her younger sister and kissed her forehead, then, she quickly walked out again; shutting the door behind her. Camila only sat there, stunned at the sudden affection from her older sister. A part of her knew it wasn't fair to close herself off, especially from Sofi, but Camila couldn't help it.

The brunette sighed as she stood up and decided it was time to get ready. After she did her morning routine, she looked in the mirror and sighed. She grabbed her backpack and phone and walked downstairs, she saw her father sleeping on the couch, snoring loudly. Camila smiled sadly at him as she walked up to her father and kissed his forehead lightly, "Have a good day papi, I love you." Camila said quietly as she sighed and walked out of her house.

She sat on the porch waiting for Melanie to pick her up, she was so deep in thought that she didn't realize Melanie had pulled in about forty seconds ago.


Melanie honked loudly snapping Camila out of her thoughts. Camila's head immediately shot up as she got up quickly and walked over to Melanie's car. She got in and smiled as she shut the door. "Hey Mila." Melanie said smiling lightly at her best friend, "Hey Mells." Camila said softly as she put her seatbelt on. "You okay?" Melanie asked skeptically and Camila only nodded, "I'm good." Camila said bluntly and Melanie nodded as she pulled out of the brunette's driveway.


"Hey Chancho, hey Mells." Dinah said happily as she walked up to the two. Camila only smiled softly in response causing Dinah to furrow her eyebrows, she gave Melanie a look who only shrugged in response. "So did you finish that English assignment?" Dinah asked curiously and Camila nodded, "Yeah, wanna copy off it?" Camila asked, already knowing what Dinah was going to request. Dinah giggled and nodded in response, Camila then reached into her backpack and pulled out a piece of paper, handing it to Dinah who gladly took it.

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