The New Girl - Chapter four

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Camila slowly stirred awake and yawned. She looked at her clock and saw it was only ten-thirty a.m. "Thank Jesus for Saturday's." Camila mumbled to herself as she got out of bed. She didn't bother changing out of her pajamas since she didn't have any plans today. She walked downstairs to see her father and sister eating breakfast. "Good morning sunshine." Sofi teased causing Camila to roll her eyes.

"Good morning ugly." Camila said causing Sofi to stick her tongue out at her older sister. "Here mija, I already set a place for you." Alejandro said smiling at his youngest daughter. "Thanks papi." Camila said smiling as she sat down next to the older man. She looked at the plate of pancakes and bacon, her stomach then rumbled loudly causing Alejandro to laugh.

"We're gonna have company over tonight." He said causing Camila and Sofi to furrow their eyebrows, "Who?" Sofi asked curiously. "The other day a guy transferred into our company. I was showing him the ropes and found out he has three kids. A son that's your age." Alejandro said looking at Sofi, "And a daughter that's your age." Alejandro said smiling at Camila. "He also has a thirteen year old daughter." The older man added and Camila smiled. "What time are they coming over?" She asked.

"About seven tonight." He confirmed and both of his daughters smiled. "Alright dad." They both said simultaneously, "I want you both on your best behavior, and Sofi you're in charge of cooking dinner." Alejandro said and Sofi groaned.

"Why do I have to do it?" Sofi whined and Alejandro gave her a look. "Because unfortunately you're the only Cabello with actual cooking skills." He said causing Camila to gasp, "What? I have cooking skills!" She said defensively and Sofi snorted. "You burned a cup soup last week Mila." Sofi pointed out and Camila rolled her eyes, "The instructions were very misleading!" Camila said and Sofi stared at her in disbelief. "It's cup soup Mila! How misleading can it be?" Sofi asked and Alejandro laughed at his daughters.

"Alright calm down, Camila you can't cook, Sofi you can. But Karla you have many skills that Sofi doesn't." Alejandro tried to reason with the girls, Sofi then snorted loudly. "Clumsiness, is not a skill dad." Sofi said as she stood up and put her plate in the sink. "Oh yeah? Well at least I can do basic math!" Camila yelled out and Sofi only flipped her off in response. Alejandro shook his head and laughed at the two teenagers, "You guys will be the death of me." He said as he stood up and put his plate in the sink.

"Karla it's your turn to do the dishes." He said and Camila groaned, "But papi-" Camila started but Alejandro cut her off. "No but's." He warned as he walked off and Camila pouted as she ate a piece of bacon. "Stupid dishes." She mumbled as she continued eating.


After Camila finished eating and reluctantly did the dishes, she sighed in relief as she plopped herself on the couch next to her older sister; who was watching Shameless.

"Can we watch cartoons?" Camila asked curiously and Sofi rolled her eyes, "What are you five?" Sofi asked and Camila smirked. "Five inches deep in your bitc-" Camila tried to say but Alejandro cut her off, "Karla! Don't even think about finishing that sentence." Alejandro warned as he walked into the living room and Camila sighed. "Papi I wanna watch cartoons and Sofi won't let me." Camila said pouting and Alejandro stared at his two daughters. "Sofi let Camila watch cartoons." Alejandro said and Sofi gasped.

"No! She always gets the tv!" Sofi practically yelled, "That's cause you're the only one with a tv in your room!" Camila argued and Sofi pouted. "I like the big one." Sofi said crossing her arms, "Ha! That's what she said!" Camila snickered and Sofi rolled her eyes. "God, it's like living with a fifteen year old a boy." Sofi said, holding the bridge of her nose in annoyance. Sofi hadn't even noticed that Camila had taken the remote and put on looney tunes.

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