The New Girl - Chapter Eighteen

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Lauren walked into school smiling. She walked over to her locker to see Dinah and Normani already standing there waiting for her. "Hey guys." Lauren said smiling as she walked up to them, "Hey lauser." Dinah joked and Lauren rolled her eyes but laughed.

"You look happy today." Normani said, "Could a certain Brad have anything to do with it?" She asked again, this time in a teasing voice. This caused Lauren to blush, "What? I can't just be happy without a boy having something to do with it?" Lauren asked and Dinah laughed. "You're totally crushing on him." She teased and Lauren shrugged, her face becoming a bit serious.

"Well he's kind of the only person who seems genuinely interested in me." Lauren said bluntly, causing Dinah and Normani to exchange a look. "Okay, but are you interested in him?" Normani asked and Lauren shrugged, "I just met him." She said in a simple tone. "That doesn't matter, usually you know after that first conversation." Dinah said and Lauren glanced down at her shoes.

She knew what Dinah was saying was kind of right. She had realized she was attracted to Camila after the first real conversation she had with her. It was strange really, the way things happened; it was like one second they were complete strangers who just so happened to have bumped into each other in the hallway, then they were suddenly best friends.

Lauren knew Camila was different from the start. She knew what she felt for the brunette, she didn't really feel for anyone else. Lauren was always the type of girl who got what and who she wanted, always. She never had to put any effort into getting someone, but Camila was different, Camila was a challenge. Normally Lauren hated challenges, but for some reason she still wanted Camila.

Brad didn't make her feel this way.

Brad was easy. He was so easy that Lauren could probably have him with a bat of her eyes, and a charming smile. He wasn't complicated, or a challenge; he was simple like addition. Camila was the complete opposite. She was complicated, and really hard to figure out. Even after nearly two months, Lauren still hadn't figured her out. Camila was arduous like fractions. Lauren hated fractions, but she loved Camila.

She knew she wasn't necessarily interested in Brad, he was frankly quite boring, again the complete opposite of Camila. Because Camila was funny, and had a way of making even the simplest of things fun.

But there was one more difference between Camila and Brad, the biggest difference of them all. Brad was interested in Lauren, Camila wasn't. So Lauren convinced herself that chasing after a person who didn't want her, was worth more than she could give. So she convinced herself to go for Brad, because well Brad's easy; no matter how infatuated she is by Camila.

"Laur?" Dinah asked, snapping Lauren out of her thoughts, "Huh?" Lauren asked, finally looking up at the blonde. "You okay? We lost you for a minute." Normani said and Lauren nodded quickly, "Yeah, I'm fine, I just got lost in my own head again." Lauren said, forcing a chuckle.

"Hey bitches." Melanie said jokingly as her and Camila walked up to the three girls. Everyone turned to face Camila, she looked awful. She looked like she hadn't slept all night. She gave everyone a tired smile and Dinah furrowed her eyebrows. "You okay Chancho?" Dinah asked and Camila nodded, "Fine." She said in her usual quiet tone, except today something was different.

"You sure?" Normani asked and Camila nodded flashing Normani a small smile, "I'm fine, I just had a lot of homework to do last night." Camila lied. Everyone could tell she was lying, but no one decided to say anything. Lauren grabbed Camila's hand and gave it a squeeze, and Camila smiled tiredly at her.

Seeing Camila like this broke her heart. It made Lauren wish she knew what was going on in the brunettes life. But Camila's a really private person, and even if something was bothering her, she knew enough about Camila to know that she'd never ask for anyone's help.

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