The New Girl - Chapter Twenty

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"So now that we've gotten to the end of the book, we know that Pip gets Estella in the end. But my question is--"


Camila felt her phone vibrate in her pocket, as she looked around the room. She was in first period and bored out of her mind. Her English teacher was going on about a book they had just read, called "Great Expectations". Camila had read the book before, and it was one of her favorites; but the fact that they had been discussing it for about three weeks was getting boring.

She pulled out her phone and saw it was Dinah.

"Are you and Lauren still fighting?"

Camila turned around to look at Dinah, who was waiting for her response. She then looked across the room to see Lauren, who was sitting abnormally far from her. It had been nearly three days since Camila and Lauren had gotten into the argument.

It had been the most awkward three days of Camila's life. She stopped showing up in calculus class, and lunch. She went straight home after school, and she was even starting to avoid some of the girls.

And for some really weird reason, Ariana was acting strange towards her.

"She's sitting across the room, Dinah. What do you think?"

Camila texted back and she heard Dinah snort quietly from behind her, which caused Camila to roll her eyes.

Camila knew the fight between her and Lauren was really stupid. If Lauren was anyone else, than Camila would have been the first to apologize. But for some reason Camila was being stubborn, and she avoided Lauren at all costs.


Camila felt her phone vibrate in her lap again, and she looked down at it.

"How's everything going with your little girlfriend?"

Camila rolled her eyes, knowing Dinah was talking about Kylie. Camila hadn't intended on getting so close to Kylie, it kind of just happened. There was a lot to Kylie that no one really saw, or cared to have noticed. And even though the raven haired cheerleader was very pretty, Camila felt no romantic feelings towards her. Which is why it bugged her so much when Dinah would tease her about it.

"I'm assuming you're talking about Kylie. First of all, she's not my girlfriend. Second of all, everything is going fine."

As Camila sent the message, she immediately heard Dinah chuckle a bit.


Mrs. Jolie's voice interrupted Camila's thoughts, causing Camila to look up at her with curious eyes.

"I'm sorry, what was the question?" Camila asked embarrassedly, and Mrs. Jolie gave her a look. "What are your thoughts about Pip and Estella's journey towards the beginning to the ending?" The older woman asked.

"Um, well, I think it was beautiful." Camila answered simply, and Mrs. Jolie flashed her a curious look. "Oh really, why's that?" She asked, "Well, because they both got together in the end. Meaning they both got exactly what they wanted. Sure it took a little longer than most love stories, but they still found each other in the end. Therefore I believe it was beautiful." Camila explained, causing the teacher to smile.

"I don't think it was beautiful." A familiar voice said, causing everyone, including Camila to turn around, and look at Lauren. "You have a different opinion, Lauren?" Mrs. Jolie asked curiously, and Lauren nodded. "Well, yeah. I mean, Pip tried so hard, and every time Estella would reel him in then just toss him aside. He made it very clear that he loved her, yet she made it impossible for him." Lauren explained bluntly, and Camila furrowed her eyebrows.

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