The New Girl - Chapter Fourteen

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Camila and Lauren drove back to Camila's house, silently. It wasn't an awkward silence, it was comforting.

Camila didn't wanna admit that tonight was the best night she's ever had in awhile. It's strange really, Camila went from lonely nights of crying, to smiling and laughing; all because of Lauren. She found it strange that someone could have that much effect on her life, in such little time.

Camila turned her head to stare at Lauren, she saw how focused Lauren was on the road, she thought Lauren looked cute while she was so captivated in whatever it was she was doing. Camila smiled, and didn't take her eyes off of Lauren. Lauren then glanced at Camila to see that she was being stared at.

"What?" Lauren asked lightly and Camila only shrugged, the smile never leaving her lips. "Thank you." Camila said gently, causing Lauren to furrow her eyebrows. "For?" Lauren asked curiously, "Tonight." Camila answered simply. "It was actually the best night I've had in awhile." Camila said gently and Lauren smiled.

"I should be thanking you, tonight was great." Lauren admitted and Camila blushed, "And you're not scared of roller coasters anymore, so that's a plus." Lauren joked and Camila giggled. "That's very true." Camila said softly and Lauren only smiled as she stared at the road.

They sat in a comfortable silence as Lauren pulled into Camila's driveway. Camila noticed her father still wasn't home, "He's probably working late." Camila thought to herself, shrugging it off. "Here, I'll walk you to the door." Lauren said softly and Camila smiled widely.

Lauren got out of the car, not turning it off, and before Camila could open her door; she opened it for her. "Thank you." Camila said blushing lightly. "No problem." Lauren said gently. They walked up to Camila's porch and Camila smiled at Lauren.

"Thanks again, for tonight; and the bear." Camila said holding her bear up, causing Lauren to giggle. "It was no problem Camz." Lauren said lightly.

They stared at each other for awhile, Lauren started to lean in and Camila froze, Lauren then hugged Camila tightly. Causing Camila to let out a sigh of relief as she hugged Lauren back. But Camila couldn't help but think, "What if Lauren kissed me?" "Would it be that bad?" She thought to herself as they pulled away.

"I'll see you tomorrow Camz." Lauren said softly and Camila only smiled. "Alright Lo, drive home safe." Camila said gently and Lauren smiled.

They smiled at each other once more and Lauren started to walk towards the car. "Text me when you get home!" Camila called out and Lauren giggled, "Okay mom!" Lauren said back jokingly, causing Camila to giggle.

Camila smiled as she watched Lauren drive off, she sighed contently as she looked up at the moon. She then turned around and walked into her house, it was dark, and quiet.

Camila walked upstairs and stopped as she got to her door, she heard muffled sobs coming from across the hall. Camila furrowed her eyebrows as she carefully walked over to Sofi's door, that was closed. Camila put her ear to the door and the sobs got louder.

Camila frowned as she opened the door lightly, careful not to make her presence known.

She saw Sofi clinging to a shirt and crying. Camila immediately knew who's shirt it was and she looked down for a moment. "Sofi." Camila said gently and Sofi jumped, "O-Oh C-Camila, I didn't- I didn't know you were home." Sofi croaked out, quickly wiping her tears away and shoving the shirt under her blanket.

"I just got home, can I come in?" Camila asked in a soft tone and Sofi only nodded. Camila walked over to Sofi's bed, and got in bed next to her older sister. "How was the fair?" Sofi asked, trying to avoid the fact that she was crying. "That doesn't matter, what's wrong?" Camila asked curiously and Sofi only shook her head. "Nothing." Sofi lied and Camila gave her a look, "You're crying, it must be something." Camila pointed out and Sofi only sighed.

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