The New Girl - Chapter Twenty-Three

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"Kylie, come back!" Ashely yelled pleadingly, as she chased Kylie outside of the school. "Go away!" Kylie yelled, and Ashely sighed, "It's not a big deal!" The blonde yelled, and Kylie immediately stopped in her tracks.

She turned around, flashing the shorter girl a look of disbelief. "Not a big deal? Not a big deal?! I told you I was gay, you're the only person I've ever told, might I add; and you say it's "not a big deal"?!" Kylie practically yelled, and Ashely sighed as she crossed her arms.

"What do you want me to say? How did you expect me to react? You're gay, so what? It's really not a big deal." Ashely said, and Kylie continued staring at her in disbelief. "Are you serious? Have you heard the way the girls on our team talk about being gay?" She asked, and Ashely let her arms down to her sighed, as her face softened.

"The girls on our team are self absorbed cunts, who wouldn't know compassion if it hit them in the face with a brick." Ashely said, "Rebecca's had like thirty pregnancy scares, Erica has gonorrhea, more than half of our teammates have std's, and most of them don't even know what two plus two is." She added, and Kylie gave her a look.

"What's the point of you bringing all of that up? Are you saying me being gay is just as bad as all of that?" She asked, and Ashely shook her head quickly. "No— God, no! What I'm saying is, being gay is the opposite of all of those things. Being gay is— well being gay is no big deal. At least not in my book. My point is, who gives a crap about what the girls on the squad say? They all suck." She said, flashing Kylie a reassuring smile.

"Why are you being so nice to me? This could ruin me. If this got out, you'd be the most popular girl in school." Kylie said, and Ashely furrowed her eyebrows. "I don't care about being popular." She said, and Kylie gave her a look. "You don't?" She asked, and Ashely shook her head, "No. The only reason I'm on the cheer team is because they give me all of my p.e credits." She admitted and Kylie only stared at her.


Ashely's phone chimed loudly, pulling both of the girls out of their conversation. Ashely then looked at her phone and rolled her eyes. "It's my mom." She said, as her eyes skimmed the text. She then looked up, and flashed Kylie a small smile.

"I gotta get home. I'll see you at practice tomorrow, Kylie, and don't worry, you're secrets safe with me." She said sincerely, whispering the last part as she rushed off, leaving Kylie standing there dumbfounded, as she stared at Ashely who was walking off. A small smile tugged at Kylie's lips as she watched the blonde walk off.


Ariana walked into the library, she had found it to be the only comfort and sanctuary she's had lately. As she walked in, she saw Lauren sitting at a table by herself, deep in thought.

"Hey." Ariana said gently, snapping the raven haired girl out of her thoughts. Lauren looked up with hopeful eyes, but then looked down once she saw it was Ariana. "Oh, hey." Lauren said, half-disappointedly. "Well, don't sound too excited to see me." She joked lightly, taking a seat next to her.

"I'm sorry, I was just expecting—" Lauren tried to say, but Ariana cut her off, "Mila. I know." Ariana finished, and Lauren nodded. "Yeah." She said bluntly, looking down for a moment.

"Still haven't heard from her?" Ariana asked, and Lauren shook her head. "No. She's not returning any of my texts or calls." She said, as she looked down at the wooden desk table. "I don't even understand why she's so upset." Lauren admitted, and Ariana flashed her a look of disbelief.

"Really? You seriously don't know why she's upset?" Ariana asked in disbelief, and Lauren only flashed her a confused look. "Jesus Christ, I don't know if you're really oblivious or just plain stupid." Ariana mumbled, and Lauren's eyes went wide. "Excuse me?" She asked, her tone laced with offense. "You honestly don't know?" Ariana asked in a confused tone, "No. I honestly have no idea why Camila's upset." Lauren admitted, and Ariana sighed in frustration.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2017 ⏰

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