The New Girl - Chapter Thirteen

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Camila couldn't help but steal glances at Lauren as she drove them to the fair. Camila wondered if Lauren really did like her, or if Sofi was just delusional or something. In a way Camila knew Lauren liked her, but she assumed it was just one of those "girl crush", type of things.

"You're quiet tonight." Lauren said, breaking the silence and snapping Camila out of her thoughts. "I just- Sofi and I got into a fight earlier." Camila admitted, deciding not to lie to Lauren. Lauren then frowned and glanced at Camila, "Damn, that sucks. What did you two fight about?" Lauren asked curiously. "It was nothing important, just normal sister stuff." Camila explained and Lauren only nodded.

"I feel you on that one, when Tay and I fight, I feel awful." Lauren admitted. "I mean making your younger sister feel bad, makes you feel bad, and then you both feel bad." Lauren joked and Camila sighed. "She just- she says all of these things, that I know are true, but it's my life. Why is she so persistent on being involved?" Camila asked, venting slightly. "Well, I can't tell you in Sofi's point of view, but I can tell you in a big sisters point of view." Lauren said and Camila only turned her head to stare at Lauren, signaling for her to go on.

"Being the older sibling, is never easy. It's just, sometimes, you want what's best for your younger sister, but they don't see that. They see it as, you trying to tell them what to do, and medal with their life; but I promise you it's not that. We just know exactly what you're going through, because odds are, we've gone through the same." Lauren explained. Camila only stared at the green eyed girl, listening intently to every word she was saying.

"Look, it's like, when I was Taylor's age, I never really had an older sister to look up to. I had Chris, but he was a boy, and well, boys are different. I went through things, that probably every girl my age was going through, but I had no one to tell me if I was doing it right. You know, it would've been so much easier if I had someone, steering me in the right direction, telling me what I should and shouldn't do." Lauren explained further; what she was saying was making sense to Camila, and Camila felt like a jerk for snapping at Sofi.

"So you're saying, I have someone there for me that understands, but Sofi had no one?" Camila asked, feeling even more guilty by the second. "Well, I mean, I guess. Sometimes, we go through things, not even our friends understand. Everyone fights their own battles Camz, sometimes you're lucky enough to have someone fight with you, and sometimes you're not lucky enough." Lauren said, "It's all part of being human." Lauren added gently and Camila's eyes went wide for a moment.

"You sounded just like her for a second." Camila admitted lightly and Lauren shrugged, "I just see where she's coming from. But I also see where you're coming from." Lauren admitted as Camila continued to stare at her, "You think that Sofi doesn't understand your emotions; and maybe that's true. Everyone's emotions are different, but it doesn't mean having a little help is a bad thing." Lauren explained and Camila looked down at her lap for a moment.

"Well I feel like a jerk." Camila said bluntly and Lauren shook her head, "Don't. Everyone says things they don't mean every once and awhile, and I'm sure Sofi knows you didn't mean anything you said. You were upset, and she was was also upset; odds are both of you didn't mean most of the things you said to each other." Lauren said gently and Camila smiled softly at her.

"You're like, so wise." Camila said half jokingly and Lauren giggled, "Nah, I just have a sister." Lauren joked back and Camila giggled.

Camila felt grateful that Lauren made her feel better, there was a strange comforting feeling in opening up to the raven haired girl. A feeling she's never really felt with anyone. It was no secret that Camila was horrible at opening up to people, she did have abandonment issues after all. But for some reason, she wasn't afraid of telling Lauren about what was going on with Sofi.

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