The New Girl - Chapter Ten

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"Hey Laur! Wait up!" Camila called out as she caught up to Lauren who was getting ready to walk home. "Hey Camz." Lauren said smiling, "What's up?" She asked curiously. "Mind if I walk you home?" Camila asked smiling and Lauren furrowed her eyebrows, "You don't have to do that." Lauren said politely and Camila shrugged. "I know, I want to." Camila said truthfully. "I mean, if you don't want me to it's fine-" Camila started but Lauren cut her off, "No! I mean- of course I want you to. That is only if you want to." Lauren said nervously, mentally face palming herself.

Camila then giggled lightly, "Of course I want to." Camila said and Lauren smiled. "Well let's go then." Lauren said gently as they started walking. "So did you find out why Mani's been acting so weird today?" Lauren asked curiously and Camila shook her head. "Nope, turns out Dinah had no idea what happened last night." Camila explained and Lauren frowned, "Damn, I hope she finds out soon. Normani's been on mute all day." Lauren said and Camila sighed. "I know, it's weird. I'm not used to them ignoring each other." Camila admitted.

"I'm sure they'll figure it out." Lauren said and Camila smiled, "I hope so." Camila said. They then fell into a small silence, it wasn't awkward- it was almost comforting.

"Hey uh- there's a fair in town, and I was uh- wondering if you wanted to go. With uh, me." Lauren said nervously and Camila fell silent, "Oh- uh, I don't- I don't really date." Camila admitted, staring at her shoes as they walked. "I know! I mean, it wouldn't be a date, just two friends hanging out." Lauren said bluntly and Camila's face lit up. "Sure!" Camila said and Lauren smiled, "Cool, I could pick you up tomorrow? My mom said I could use her car." Lauren said and Camila smiled. "Yeah, sounds great!" Camila said happily.

"Just out of curiosity though, why don't you date?" Lauren asked and Camila froze for a split second. If Lauren hadn't had been watching her so well, she wouldn't have noticed.

"Well, like I said, that's a story I'll tell you sometime." Camila said lightly and Lauren only glanced at her, "Not now?" Lauren asked. "No, not now." Camila said gently and Lauren only nodded. "Well, we have a lifetime for stories." Lauren said and Camila smiled lightly, "However long that may be." Camila said. "Hopefully long enough for me to figure you out." Lauren said bluntly and Camila furrowed her eyebrows.

"What do you mean?" Camila asked curiously, "Well, I tend to figure people out easily." Lauren admitted and Camila only gave her a look. "Really? So you're telling me in the short time you've known the girls and I, you've figured them out?" Camila asked and Lauren nodded, "Pretty sure I have." Lauren answered in a simple tone and Camila narrowed her eyes at the raven haired girl. "Prove it." Camila said and Lauren giggled.

"How?" Lauren asked curiously, "I know those girls better than I know pizza, and trust me, I know pizza; tell me about each of them. We'll see if you're telling me the truth Jauregui." Camila said while giggling and Lauren giggled too. "Alright, which one do you want me to start with?" Lauren asked and Camila thought about for a moment.

"Dinah." Camila said and Lauren nodded. "Alright, Dinah is a person who tends to put other people in front of her. When she wants something, she'll think about how it'll effect others around her, instead of thinking about how it'll effect her. She's generous, sometimes too generous. She fakes high confidence but really, she's insecure. I can tell by the way she looks in the mirror whenever she can, and how she always asks how she looks. She's sensitive but refuses to show it a lot of the time, and she really doesn't understand how amazing she is." Lauren explained and Camila's eyes widened, but she quickly shook her head.

"Dinah's an easy one, tell me about Melanie." Camila said, with a competitive smirk on her face. Lauren giggled and nodded, "You're request is my command." Lauren joked and Camila rolled her eyes playfully.

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