The New Girl - Chapter six

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Ariana was suddenly awoken by yelling causing her to groan. "FIVE MORE MINUTES MOM!" Ariana yelled back, "YOU SAID THAT FIVE MINUTES AGO!" Joan yelled and Ariana sighed. "Stupid Monday's." Ariana mumbled to herself as she hesitantly got up and walked over to her closet. Ariana cautiously decided on what to wear, she went with a pair of black leggings and her light pink over sized "antisocial" hoodie that her brother had gotten her last month.

She knew it was a bit simpler than the things she usually wore, but she didn't care, she was comfortable and the opinions of others had never really effected her in any way. Ariana did her morning routine and looked in the mirror. Ariana had never been one to feel self conscious, she knew she was pretty. She smiled at herself, grabbed her phone, her backpack, and walked downstairs.

"Good morning mom, morning Frankie." Ariana said smiling at them, "Good morning honey." Joan said as she handed Ariana twenty dollars. "Money for lunch." Joan said and Ariana smiled gratefully at her mom, "Thanks mom!" Ariana said cheerfully. "Good morning family." Edward, Ariana's father, said as he walked into the kitchen. "Morning daddy!" Ariana said happily, kissing her fathers cheek.

"Morning pumpkin." He said as he kissed her forehead. "Remember we have a small party to go to at the neighbors tonight." He reminded her and Ariana mentally face palmed herself for forgetting, "Can I bring a couple friends?" She asked with pleading eyes. "What friends?" He asked skeptically. "Just Dinah, Camila, Normani, Ally, Melanie, and Lauren." Ariana said smiling and her parents furrowed their eyebrows, "Lauren?" They both asked simultaneously. "She's the new girl at school, we all hit it off right away. She's a sweetheart." Ariana explained and Edward smiled. "Of course, but only them, we don't wanna bring too many people to a party that's not even ours." He said and Ariana smiled excitedly.

"Thanks daddy! See you guys after school!" Ariana said cheerfully as she kissed her parents cheeks and ruffled her older brothers hair. "Hey! You did not just mess up perfection!" Frankie yelled and Ariana giggled as she grabbed her keys and walked out of the house.

Ariana walked over to her black jeep and got in, as she turned on her car her phone dinged, signaling that she got a text message. She looked at it and smiled, "Meet me in the library when you get here." Ariana smiled widely and drove off.


A long car ride later Ariana was finally at the school, she saw her best friends standing by Melanie's car and Ariana grew nervous. "Dammit, how the hell am I supposed to get into the school without them seeing me?" Ariana asked herself. She quietly got out of her car and walked around it, she walked across the parking lot, the opposite direction of her best friends of course, and walked in through the back doors of the school. When she made it in home free, she sighed in relief.

As she was walking towards the library someone pulled her into the bathroom roughly and locked the door. "Hey what the fuck?!" Ariana asked angrily, after she saw who it was she furrowed her eyebrows. "I thought you said to meet you in the library?" Ariana asked, "There were too many people there." Kylie said smirking. Ariana was a bit hurt that Kylie cared if people had seen them together, but brushed it off. "Come here, I've missed you." Kylie said gently as she grabbed Ariana's face and passionately kissed her.


"Mila, who discovered America?" Melanie asked in a whisper as they sat in social studies taking a quiz, "I don't fucking know, I'm pretty sure it was George Washington." Camila whispered back, causing Lauren to giggle and Ariana to roll her eyes. They were in second period, and since the four girls had that class together they never really got any actually work done. "You're all idiots." Ariana mumbled as she continued doing her test. "Wait, so it wasn't George Washington?" Camila asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

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