The New Girl - Chapter Twenty-Two

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[8 months ago]

"I assure you, there's no one left to pair you up with—" The chemistry teacher, Mr. Hills tried to say to Ariana, but was soon cut off. "I'm here! I'm here! Sorry I'm late." A hurried, anxious voice said; and as Ariana looked up, she saw a beautiful raven haired girl standing at the door. She was wearing high waisted skinny jeans, and a crop top sweatshirt.

Ariana's jaw practically fell.

But as soon as she realized that she was staring, she quickly shook her head, and snapped out of her thoughts. Because she knew exactly who the beautiful girl standing at the door was, everyone did; Kylie Jenner. She had been head cheerleader since freshman year, and Ariana had heard that she was kind of mean.

She was also the most popular girl in school, which intimidated Ariana a bit. It wasn't that Ariana wasn't popular, she was actually considered a well known person throughout her high school. But she was also a pretty shy person, so she really didn't make first moves.

"And you are?" Mr. Hills asked Kylie, snapping Ariana out of her thoughts. "I'm Kylie— Kylie Jenner. My schedule says room 404, but maybe I have it mixed up—" Kylie tried, but Mr. Hills cut her off. "Ah yes, Kylie! You're right here on my list." He said, with a small smile on his face. Kylie only flashed him and awkward smile back.

"So you and Ariana here, are going to be chemistry partners for the rest of the year." He added. Ariana's eyes widened a bit, but she hid her shock well; not wanting to get on her new chemistry partners bad side.

Ariana flashed a smile at Kylie, as they walked to the back of the class room. As they sat down, Mr. Hills arose from his desk. "I'd like you all to turn to page 78 in your text books, and get to work on the question and answer quiz." He said, and the class groaned. "Yeah, Yeah. I'm sure it's the worst thing in the world." He mocked, as he sat down.

"Hey uh, I know this is kind of weird, considering that you don't know me or anything... but I left my text book at home. Do you think we could, maybe share?" Kylie asked nervously, and Ariana only stared at her. She was kind of surprised that Kylie actually sounded pretty genuine. "Uh— sure! No problem." Ariana said, smiling at the raven haired girl.

She opened her text book to page 78, and scooted the book towards the middle of their table. Kylie flashed her a smile, as she leaned in a bit closely to Ariana, and started reading. Ariana's heart started racing, her cheeks then became hot as she breathed in Kylie's perfume. She couldn't quite recognize the scent, but it smelled oddly good to Ariana.

"I hate question answer things." Kylie said, snapping Ariana out of her thoughts.

"Snap out of it, Ari." Ariana thought to herself.

"Why?" Ariana asked, trying to play it cool. "Because, I already know everything, it's in the book." Kylie said bluntly, and Ariana raised an eyebrow; flashing her an amused look. "Someone's cocky." Ariana said bluntly, starting to write down some of her answers. "I'm not being cocky, it's the truth." Kylie said, and Ariana only chuckled.

"What? You don't believe me?" Kylie asked, and Ariana looked up at her. "No, I don't, actually." She answered honestly, "Its cause I'm hot, huh? My hotness always gets in the way!" Kylie said sarcastically, causing Ariana to giggle a bit.

"No it's not—" Ariana started, but cut herself off when she saw the way Kylie was looking at her. "It's exactly that." Ariana said, sighing in defeat. "Wow, I'm shocked. Who would've thought, that someone as pretty as you, would have judged my intelligence based on my looks." Kylie teased lightly, but there was a hint of truth behind her casual tone.

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