Chapter 8

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(Pic of Dante. XD sexy)



I read this like 4times. I hope I eliminated all the typo's and other things. O.o *Crosses fingers*


Rhonda had the movers packing up her furniture in the truck while Mike leaned against the door frame, he didn’t look happy at all. Cherry knew he wanted to say something but he was managing to hold his tongue fairly well. “Thanks and can you be careful with that couch?”As much as Mike said it was his apartment 20 out of the 30 pieces of furniture in the apartment were hers.

Mike cracked open another beer swallowing slowly from as he leaned against door frame. “Rhonda, I’ll pay you for the t.v.” Mike placed the can down pulling his wallet from his back pocket. “No thank you.” Rhonda smiled falsely at him before turning back to talk to the movers. Mike’s arm flexed as he crumpled the bills in his hand before shoving them back into his pocket.

“Cherry you really should try harder to talk to him.” Cherry let out a breath as she led the movers back to her apartment. ,”And have him call me a bitch again? No I’m good. I wanted to punch Erica in the face, she was watching us argue with a smile on her face. It was like she had planned something.” Cherry shook her head clicking the down button on her window. Rhonda played with knobs on the radio before turning the volume down in the car.

“Knowing her, she probably did.”Rhonda spoke as Cherry turned into her drive way. “Probably did, conniving bitch.” Cherry mumbled under her breath as they got out the car. “You probably shouldn’t have told everybody he had Chlamydia though. What if he told everyone that Marcus paid you to have sex with all four of his friends?”

Cherry sucked in a breath at Rhonda’s comment before pushing her key into the front door to unlock it, so the movers could  bring everything in. ,”Well I was young and stupid. I thought he loved me so I did what he wanted. What’s Dante’s excuse?”

Rhonda stepped inside starting to point in places to put everything. “Well, Cherry you still didn’t have to say it, I mean he didn’t tell on you even after you exposed him. If you would have been anywhere else with more people you could have done even more damage than you already have.” Cherry threw her keys on the table watching them set the couch down against the wall.

“Well he won’t let me talk to him, so I don’t give a damn about him anymore.” Rhonda rolled her eyes. ,”Let’s see how long that lasts, and that’s stupid Cherry. When you go talk to him you’re suppose to talk to him, not force him to say things he doesn’t want to say.”

Cherry groaned as she let her mind wonder back to yesterday..

Cherry watched the way Dante’s hands and fingers roamed freely all over Erica’s body. Cherry frowned. ,“Dante can we talk?” Dante didn’t seem to hear Cherry as she watched him roughly grab between Erica’s thighs, Erica let out a loud hiss. “DANTE!” Dante slowly pulled away looking in Cherry’s direction . “How did you get in?” Dante looked at her wondering “Erica’s spare key under the mat.” Cherry resisted wanting to punch Erica when she gave her a funky face.

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