Chapter 8: Away

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Leah watched Renesmee and Rachel in their small fight intently as she looked back and forth between Renesmee's tummy and Rachel's panicked face.

She was just about to stand up when her phone vibrated in her jeans pocket. She took out her phone and read from the screen.

It was a message from Jared.

Jared moved away from La Push couple years ago, as Kim got some work opportunities and chances to further her studies. Jared was too attached with Kim, and he thought living separately with his imprint was a bad idea.

'Jacob's here. Doesn't he has a family to take care of? lol' - Jared

'What is he doing there?' - Leah

She clicked the send button and looked up to the Rachel who was holding Renesmee's shoulder.

Just then, a phone call from Jared came in. Luckily, she had her phone on vibrate. She would hate to turn off the mood with her very poppy ringtone.

"Guys, I need to take this outside," Leah said, excusing herself.

"Can you put him on the phone?" Leah snapped as soon as she answered the call.

"Um, wait a sec," Jared gave in as the sound got muffled by his hand movement.

Leah waited impatiently, hearing some shouts and grunts over the phone. "Who's it? . . . No . . . I told you . . . Fine . . ."

"Yeah," Jacob sighed.

"What the fuck are you doing there?" Leah snarled.

"I'm all good, Lee," annoyance radiated from Jacob as he released another heavy sigh.

"It's not you who I'm worried about right now. Get your butt back home or I'll make you," Leah said sharply over the phone.

"You can't make me," Jacob fought back.

"Listen, mutt. I have something to tell you, and I don't want it to be discussed over the phone. Get back here," Leah said sternly, pointing her finger sharply as if Jacob was in front of her.

"I need time. Cool it, Leah. I'll be home when I'm ready," he said in his alpha voice, concluding his decision as he ended up the call.

"Jake, you . . ." Leah swore under her breath.

'Make sure he comes back here sooner' Leah texted Jared.

'I'll try. He's not staying in our house, but I'll check up on him' Jared replied.

Shoving her phone back into the pocket, Leah walked back into the house, viewing Rachel and Renesmee at the kitchen island.

"Everything's good?" Renesmee whispered, staring at the marble table.

She wasn't going to act like she didn't know what Leah had been doing outside the house.

She was a half vampire for god sake and her enhanced ear could hear her yelling over the phone.

The glass wall around her didn't cover much too.

Leah sighed apologetically as she sat near them.

"I've talked to Jacob. He said, he'll come back when he's ready," Leah exposed, running her hand into her shoulder-length hair.

"He's not coming back, is he? Of course he's not," Renesmee muttered.

"Nessie, he'll come back. I promise," Leah assured, receiving a short smile from Renesmee.

"I don't have much time," Renesmee blurted out in a slow voice, loud enough to be heard by Rachel and Leah.

"What? Why?" Rachel asked, beaming towards her with wide eyes.

"What?" Renesmee startled, suddenly feeling self conscious.

"What do you mean by you don't have much time?" Leah squeezed in.

"I didn't say that," Renesmee defended. What are they saying? Renesmee thought.

"Okay, Renesmee. You're stressed and you need rest. Come on," Rachel and Leah stood up, walking Renesmee to her room.

"I think it's better if we get home now. Have some sleep," Leah spoke, standing up straight against the door frame.

"Thank you," Renesmee whispered. "Take care," Rachel said softly.

Jacob stared into the ceiling intently, replaying what Leah had said to him.

He pushed himself up to a sitting position and propped his hand for support, looking around the hotel room aimlessly.

"I have something to tell you, and I don't want it to be discussed over the phone"

Shaking his head, he laid back to the bed and closed his eyes.

Another image came across his mind, this time was he and Renesmee, sitting together at Carlisle's study room 3 months ago.

"You might be able to have children, but I can't sure you if the pregnancy would do her just fine or not. Just, Jacob. Listen. Don't leave her if she's pregnant. We never knew what'll happen next, since the child she might carry is the first human, wolf and vampire hybrid. We don't know what she or he is capable of," Carlisle advised.

"She's a half vampire. The baby won't harm her that badly right?" Jacob said as he trembled slightly.

"Being a half vampire has it perks. The vampire side of her will make her stronger. She's lucky if the baby is more human than the vampire or wolf as he or she would grow just as normal as other human pregnancy. But. If the baby carries the vampire traits more than the human, lacks of blood might be fatal. If the baby is more like you, Jacob, still make sure Renesmee has enough blood as well as nutrients from food. The wolf in you is too strong for her to carry. Your genes might be stronger and it could harm Renesmee even worse than what Bella had experienced," Carlisle advised.

"I'll take care of her," Jacob assured Carlisle, patting and rubbing Renesmee's right hand which was laying on his knees.

"I'll take care of you," Jacob said to Renesmee, looking at her deeply with affection, receiving a smile from his wife.

"Hell, I don't even know if I'm the father," Jacob spoke coldly, throwing a pillow to the floor harshly.

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