Chapter 15: Let me go

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"Leah, do you think it's possible?" Rachel asked over the phone.

"What? Finding Jake there? He changed his number, Rach. I should've tell him right away, and now I'm losing it. There's no other way," Leah explained.

She was worried about Renesmee. It was barely 1 month and she looked like she was going to give birth anytime soon. Renesmee needed Jacob and she understood that.

"Rachel? I don't feel good," Leah heard Renesmee's voice, making her sigh. "What's that? Should I bring her with me? I don't feel good about this either," Leah said quickly.

"I'll go check on her. Text me," Rachel said and hang up the call.

"Ness, what's wrong? Are you okay? Oh my God, Renesmee!" Rachel screamed.

Renesmee was now standing in front of her, wearing nothing but her underwears. Her body was shrinking, not as bad as Bella but it was visible. Her stomach was now showing as if it was cracking. "You're not going. No way in hell."


"Listen, if you love your child, do what I say. You're not going anywhere, you're staying at mine and you're going to make yourself better. Look at you!" Rachel cried.

The idea of feeding someone with blood instead of human food was sickening to her, but it was her sister in law she was talking to. Jacob refusing her wasn't an excuse for Rachel to just dump her. She knew, deep inside her brother, he still loved her.

"But I want to see Jacob," Renesmee said weakly, slowly putting on some baggy shirt that ended up to her thigh. She already lost the sight of her feet.

"You know, sometimes I feel like this whole imprinting is a joke. I mean, it's not funny that the only one who feels hurt is me. It must've been my own feeling then," Renesmee laughed.

What was the point of living then? She knew marriage meant compromising but this, wasn't it. Her feelings were abused.

Adjusting the hem of the shirt, she pulled out her hair band and shook her hair roughly. It hurt, but she cared less. Strands of her auburn hair fell out as she removed her hand from her thick locks and she smiled.

"I almost come to my end, am I?" Renesmee chuckled, pushing Rachel to the door frame and walked pass her.

"What the hell are you talking about, Ness?" Rachel shouted, following her downstairs. "Jacob would be pissing off if he heard you say things like that!"

Her angry expression halted as Renesmee turned her body towards Rachel. "Does Jacob even think about me? Does he?" Renesmee shouted back. "He just wanted me to die!"

"Shut up, Nessie! I respect your decision to not tell anything about this to your family. Don't make me, Ness. I can't see you like this," Rachel cried before continuing, "Billy wouldn't like to see you like this too. I'll give you some time. Alright? Calm yourself down. I'll be back in 2 hours."

Rachel looked over her shoulder for the last time before getting out from the room. She believed Renesmee was already an adult and able to control herself. She needed to believe that Jacob was going to come back and start having the faith she once had back. One thing for sure, she wasn't going anywhere.

"Good. We're at the airport," Seth said through the phone, heading towards the gate. "Okay, make sure you bring him back, no matter what. That jerk."

She had never thought Jacob of being a jerk, but guess what, he was. And boy, Jacob would have a lot to prove himself back to Renesmee when he saw the truth.

"We will. Take care of Nessie."

"Of course, I will. You two, take care."

"Sure, sure."


Of course."

"Dan, are you okay in there? I'm so sorry, baby. I'm so sorry," Renesmee cried, crouching herself into a fetus position on the bed.

She knew she was hurting, like really hurt. Her feelings were no where to be placed, her body was stretching the hell out of her, her stomach churned like she was being poisoned, all at once and she didn't know how to contain them all. She cried too much, she fell asleep.


"Yes, Mommy's here, baby."

"You're hurt."

"It's okay, it's okay." Renesmee whispered gently, rubbing the little boy's face.

"You need to get better."

"I will. Don't worry, dear" She were still whispering. She didn't know where had her voice go.

"You need to get better."

"How?" She broke down.

"I'm killing you. Let me go." It was him who cried now.

"What are you talking about?" Tears were coming out of her like a stream, showing no sign to stop soon. Her son just told her to let him go. What did he mean by that?

"By the time you woke up, you'll be sicker." He said in his small gentle voice. Raising up his hands, he placed both of them at both sides of Renesmee's cheeks.

"Let me go, Mommy."

"You're too young." She whispered, broken. "I'll die for you. Maybe we'll meet up in the Heaven. Maybe we could live our life there together." She nodded furiously. She didn't want to die, but she couldn't do this anymore.

"Don't give up." And that was when the dream stopped and a sharp pain pricked into her body.

"Ugh!" Renesmee screamed loudly, grabbing the sheets around her and tucked them into her mouth, clamping it hard. She grabbed the pillows and furiously throwing them onto the floor, the pain was unbearable.

Renesmee looked around her and stopped at a mirror. She couldn't help but to shake with fear as she looked at herself. The pain subsided slowly, engulfed in her own feelings.

She was thin, too thin to be exact and no longer looked like a human as her skin looked as if it was stuck onto her bones. It was the first time she felt terrorized to her own self. Her eyes pierced into the wide mirror as she looked even closer. Her eyes were now pitch black compared to the colour of melted chocolate that Jacob loved and her face was close enough to being white.

Again, the sharp sting came back to her, making her trash onto the bed. Out of the sudden, she felt ready. Placing one hand onto the bed and the other onto her body for support, she pushed herself up, leaning against the headboard.

"God help me," She cried hard, as she pushed herself slowly up.

Gathering all of her remaining energy, she pushed hard, so hard that she couldn't even imagine she could do any harder.

"Come on, Daniel. Help me out," she whispered in her cry. "Ugh!" She screamed as more sharp pain struck into her, mostly to her spine, up to her head.

She gave herself one more push, and stopped when she heard a loud crack inside her body. Darkness was starting to take over but she tried her hard to fight it. "Jake," she sniffled, holding her stomach tightly and pushed her hardest, letting out the loudest scream before giving in to the darkness.

She knew she heard her baby's cry and a voice shouting out her name but she was tired and she gave up.

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