Chapter 12: In which he never get drunk

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Hesitantly, Jacob walked through the pharmacy door, not sure of what to do.

He had taken off the plaster and waited for the cut to heal but nothing ever happened.

Jacob sighed as he stood by the counter, checking his palm for the hundredth time.

"Shit, why wouldn't it heal? It's been 3 days," Jacob sighed harshly, before a woman in her 30s asked him - "What can I do for you?"

"Um, what should I do with this?" Jacob asked bluntly.

He was awkward, for sure. He didn't care what would the lady think of him freaking out over a small cut, as long as he could get rid of it as soon as possible.

"Let me see," the lady said as Jacob showed his hand to her.

"Oh, this cut had been healing. You don't need stitches but cream will help," she suggested. Quickly, she disappeared through a door, leading to another room.

"Make sure you apply this cream frequently. Don't stretch the skin, keep rubbing the cream until it fully absorbed through it," the lady with a "Heidi" nametag said.

"And keep your hand clean before applying it," she reminded.

"Sure, sure," Jacob said, nodding as he repeated her instruction over and over again inside his head.

Jacob paid for the cream and thanked Heidi, before getting out from the pharmacy – inhaling the fresh clear air outside.

He opened his car door and got inside it quickly, taking out the cream box out of the small plastic bag.

Crumpling the plastic piece, he threw it over his head.

"Fuck, why am I getting scared of this thing?" Jacob laughed as he put the medication onto the empty seat beside him and got the car moving.

The bell on the hotel door rang as he pushed it. "Welcome back," the receptionist said.

He nodded and walked to the elevator before stopping right in front of it.

He turned his head back and forth between the lift and the stairs.

After 2 minutes of wasteful thinking, he decided to take the stairs. He wanted to keep fit, as he had only depended on his wolf and running with his four legs to maintain his shape. Thank you, dear ancestor.

His room was on the tenth floor as he began throwing curses here and there, panting heavily and moaning of how tired he was and how bad he wanted to stop.

He never thought he would be this exhausted. He even started to feel different.

Bending to his knees, his mouth flicked upwards — "Good lord, thank you!" he yelled in victory, he stood straight, his hands were in the air.

"Dude!" A voice yelled from inside the wall.

Slowly, he dragged his feet to his room, fidgeting with the key and unlocked the room.

With heavy breath and thumping heart, he laid on the bed, staring into the ceiling.

Lifting up his hands, he examined it closely, seeking for anything different, but there was none.

Jacob sighed, turning his body to his side and watched the empty space beside him.

He frowned and a sudden sharp thing stabbed his heart as he could feel the tugging inside him, vibrating violently.

He took a deep breath and went back into his trance.

Jacob starred into the walls, feeling nothing but trapped inside those four walls.

Faith (Jacob & Renesmee) - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now