Chapter 4 Zayn's POV

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YAY! NEW CHAPTER! okay so i know i said id upload yesterday but im having trouble writing the next chapter so i might take a couple of days to update the next one okay?

but anywho! READ!!! YAY!!!


Zayn's pov

I woke up this morning really happy I wanted to see April I looked at the alarm clock next to my bed 6:30am god it might be too early she must still be asleep hmm what to do what to do? Well we have rehearsals at 9 so I have 2 hours I should probably take a shower and get ready. I went over to the drawers and got out a pair of black denim jeans that I bought at a local shopping centre I guess here they call them malls any way I combined them with a red v neck t shirt and my red converse witch I also just bought. I headed to the shower and waited for the water to heat up then I jumped in. 

After I got out of the shower and got dressed I went back out to get my hair gel I went back to the bathroom and fixed my hair by the time I was done it was 715 and the boys were waking up " good morning lads!" I called out to them and then headed to the kitchen and poured myself some cereal " well SOME ONE woke up happy" Louis mocked " ha-ha yes Louis yes I did!" god I was happy! “And why is that? We’re going to have to rehearse today you can't tell me that's the reason your happy" said Harry " noo he's happy because he got to talk to the pretty neighbor girl" mocked Nial " ha-ha no Niall that is not why I'm happy because I wanted to ask you guys if we could bring her to the concert tonight?" “Oh no is she a fan girl? God I hate that you and Harry will just give any cute fan girl a ticket, but I mean I bet you already promised her so I dint think we have a choice" blabbered Liam " no you guys she's not a crazy fan girl but I think you should meet her so you know what type of girl she is and other things about her, and no Liam I haven't even mentioned the band or the tickets to her" I replied a little amused I mean imagine their shock when they realize that she's never heard if us! Ha this is perfect! “Should I go ask her?" “No she's probably asleep" answered Liam "no she's not!" screamed Louis “how do you know?" I asked “well I'm not like a stalker or anything but the light from her room is on" “what do you mean?" “well this door" he said pointing to the door that looked like it led to a closet " is not a closet as it may seem if you open it" he said while opening it "you will notice it is a door connecting the two rooms!" brilliant! Why hadn't I noticed it? "But even if that is a door how do you know she's awake?" I asked      "easy" he replied “the light under the door is on it means she has to be awake" okay “should I?" I looked at the guys as I said this. No one replied they just looked at me like whatever they said I had already made up my mind, which I kind of had. Okay I shook my head to release the thoughts and nervousness and went to the door * knock knock* I waited a minute before deciding to knock again *knock knock* I was waiting again and as I was about to knock again I saw the door open at a fast speed I look at her and see she's about to swing something at me so just grab her hand by the wrist before she could " you we're going to hit me with a lamp!" I asked as the realization came to me of what the strange object was. I heard some snickers in the back obviously coming from the boys....of course

" uh hello anybody there?" she had this thoughtful look on her face as if trying to remember who I was. How could she forget me so fast? My chest hurt as I thought thru this

" umm yea sorry I was just shocked aren't you supposed to knock on my other door?"  ha-ha classic 

" okay" I said then shut my door And went out thru the main door then I walked down the hallway to her door and knocked again ha-ha I snickered I want to see her laugh at how literal I was towards her... I bet her laugh is amazing! My heart raced as the door opened. 

Her smile... a Zayn Malik fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now