what did she just say?!?!

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mandys pov.

liam and the boys were out on "boy time" as they called it, i just called it goof time. i have to addmit liam has been on my mind so much more now and the fact that april still hasent returned kind of worries me because i think more about liam than april even though i know hes fine. april was always a very strong girl, her pastwas never easy on her yet she has survived through all the deaths and is still standing strong, i admire my cousen i just wish she would come back. Though that girl that we met at the house of blues when we went to celebrate aprils birthday reminded me alot of april, what was her name again? oh yea ariana, thats a pretty name.

to shake my thoughts off of everything i went into the tour buses lounge and sat down wanting to watch tv. i started to flip through the channels as one in particular caught my eye it was holly wood insider which i rearly watch because its full of baloney but this particular episode was of some one i knew, someone i knew all to well.

"inside sources to the deseased tell us that the colins had a dopted a little eight year old girl ten years ago and one year before the couple had a birth son of their own. so who is she and where can we find her? well our source says that her name is April Marie Colin and that she had ran away 2 weeks ago after her mothers funeral but she went back to colletct her will and inheretance but where is she now? she could be anywhere in the world but young ms.colins has decided to stay local and in san diego she has been said to have dark brown hair and eyes and equal beauty to mrs. colins enought to steal any guys heart. also we found a picture of a certain boy bands boy with a girl fitting the description"

at that a picture of zayn and april popped on the screen while the women kept talking,

"could it be possible that zayn malik and april colin are the newest and hottest couple out there? i guess if you want to find this new colin girl youll just have to look for zayn malik because they seem to be very comfertable "

and then a picture of april and zayn kissing apeared on the screen.

at that i groaned paps had caught us that day!

"what did she just say?!"

i turned around to see the five boys standing behind me and zayn face was over flowed with a look of sadness dissapointment and regret

"boys your home" i said quikly sutting of the t.v.

"what does she mean april was adopted? and if shes really in sandiego why havent we seen her? you said she would be in down town but we havent even spotted her once mandy why?" as he said that zayn burst into tears and fell to his knees.

this was the types of moents in which i felt bad for still having april number but never telling the boys...APRIL! thats it i quickly took out my phone and discretly video taped zayn crying on his knees begging for me to tell him where april was or where we could find her.

"umm babe? what are you doing?"

"ummm i have s secret to tell you guys" i said biting my lip

"shocker there" i glared at harry and turned to look at the rest of the guys while i knelt down to pull zayn up to his feet

"come on zayn come sit on the couch ill explain everything to you"


so its not long but i just started school and im writting this inbetween classes because i felt like i needed to give you guys something to hold on to untill the weekend ill probably upload another chapter tommorow but for now your just going to hazve to live off of this filler chapter! sorry! please tell me what you think is going to happen next chapter....


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