chapter 8

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Ok people here's turnkey chapter! I'm not going to lag it saying bunch of uninortant stuff so just ENJOY!!! <3


Aprils pov

We eventually made it to the car and got her bags since the car was unlocked we didnt need any keys then we passed over to my car and dropped them in so we wouldn't have to carry them back up to the hospital and then back down to the parking lot once we left. We got back upstairs and realized two things, one aunt ell had left, no shocker there and it was a quarter to four, maybe I should go back to the hotel and let the boys know that I won't be able to go with them to their concert. " honey I think you guys should start heading to the hotel that way mindy can unpack an start getting organized" stated my mom lord I swear she reads my mind sometimes! " umm yea okay you want to start heading out mindy?" " yea sure" " okay bye mom, I'll see you tomorrow" " oh no you wont your not coming back here until your auntie comes back to pick up mindy!" " mom!" " I want you to have fun! Explore la one more time before we leave make friends and enjoy life!" she said cutting me of. " fine! But can I at least come once a week? Just to catch up with you?" I ask hopefully " okay once a week but no more than that!" she states warmly " okay thanx I'll see you next week then" I reply " haha bye auntie" says mindy.

We get to the parking lot and I feel my stomach rumbling

" umm mindy would you mind if we stop by the grocery store first? I need to buy food for these few weeks"

" OMG yes! I LOVE your cooking! Especially your shrimp pasta!" mindy is one of my cooking fans, but mom is number one.

"yea well if you want I can make it for you today I'm kinda hungry so we should finish soon"

" yes omg i love you!"

We get in the car and I drive to the grocery store that is closest to the hotel. When were there mindy has this serious look on her face. " hey mindy are you okay?" " well I am but I want to know if your okay apple" what is she talking about? " what do you mean am I okay? Of course I am" " well last time I saw you, you smiled alot and you would be sweet to people but you would tell them if they stepped the boundary, but now I haven't seen you smile once and you have this tone of bitterness yet sadness and sweetness in your voice it's confusing I don't know what to say or do apple I love you your like a sister to me and I don wNt to see you sad" as she finished this statement I realized that she was most probably right. I mean apart from my mom mindy knew me the best. And it's true that I hadn't been smiling lately but I mean my mom has been sick for almost a year! " you know what mindy I'm sorry your right but I just can't bring my self to smile right now I feel like if I do I'd be betraying mom or something. As for the voice I don't know what to say I mean I am mad but I definitely don't mean for it to come out like that to others. And I love you too" " okay well let's finish this shopping because I want some pasta!"

We get everything we need and then we spend the whole ride back catching up mindy tells me that she just broke up with her boyfriend of six months( yes even though she didn't go to school she got a boy friend wow) because she caught him cheating on her that scumbag... And that she's almost done with school thanx to the tutor her mom got her.

By the time we get back to the hotel it's almost four

" I'm really proud of you mindy" I say as we leave the elevator " thanx but I mean you graduated when you were 14! That's even better than graduating at 17" " hey your still graduating earlier than most kids your age okay? So be proud of your self and don't compare your self to me." she gave me a warm smile " thnx apple" " no problem just saying the truth" I tell her while looking for my key. NOT wanting to repeat yesterday's events. " here can you hold these? I can't find my key" " sure no-" " here ill help you" I look up at the unfamiliar voice and see liam standing there at least I think it's liam. " umm thanx" I say softly and hand over the bags " no problem" he smiles at me

I find my key and let them in the room as they're walking in the rest of the boys walk up to the door " hey April! " they say to me " hey beautiful" " um hi guys and zayn" " can we go in?" " ummm" " oh common you came into our room this morning! Please?" says the blonde one, Niall? " umm okay but only because you said please not because I owe you guys..." " yay!" as they go in I put the key in my pocket and head inside just to see that they have already made them selves at home where's mindy? " mindy? " I see her come out of the restroom and look up to the guys and stares.... "o my carrot mother of spoons!" what?! " mindy are you alright?!" I turned around and looked at the guys just to see their eyes widened and scared but why? " umm so your mindy! Hi I'm Liam!" " Niall!" " sexy beast! Or otherwise known as Harry" " I'm carrot king louis!" seriously what's up with this boy and carrots?! " and I'm zayn" mindy still looks like she's in shock has she really not seen that many humans lately?! " mindy what's wrong are you okay?" " hey mindy come here let's go talk outside for a bit yea?" at that mindy seems to have gotten out of her trance and excitedly shook her her yes. They then started to walk out side. As they exited I went over the the amazing kitchen. It really was amazing it seemed like it belonged in a mansion not a hotel room. I started to unpack everything but I left out the ingredients for the fetuchini Alfredo with shrimp of course as I was about to finish unpacking everything I felt some one looking at me. I turn around and I'm met by the most amazingly warm brown eyes and perfect smile I have ever seen. Zayn. I don't know what it is about him but something just makes me want to kiss him and and tell him everything and ugh! Shut up april! " umm can I help you" " actually I was wondering if I could help you" " what do you mean?" " well the boys and I have about an hour until we head out for the concert so I wanted to see if you needed any help making dinner before we left" " oh umm no not really I'm just making some pasta nothing big" " oh okay well do you mind if I sit and watch? I want to learn how to cook" he has a nice smile he's so sweet SHUT UP! " umm yea I guess you can watch but it's not like it's alit to learn" " okay, so umm... You are going to the concert right?" " well actually with mindy here I don't think I can any more" not that I was planing on going anyways I thought to myself " oh that's no worry I can get another ticket for her" oh great, not. " umm well I donn know I'd have to ask mindy if she wants to go what's the band again? One decision?" " hahaha cute no it's one direction" okay well like I said I have to ask mindy" " ask me what?" god that girl comes out of nowhere I swear! " ask you if you want to go to a concert to night they're offering free tickets to one direction concert but I want to know if you want to go" " not just any tickets FRONT ROW tickets" how the he'll do they get those to just give away?! " omg! Yes I do I love them!" " haha" zayn chucked and then turned around to me " hey you don't have stage-fright by any chance do you?" "um no I don't why?" " oh no just asking, well when you guys get there go to the ticket both and tell the booth person that mr.hotstuff reserved two tickets for April... Wait you never told me your last name" "oh um April Colin" " okay well then your tickets will be at the booth under your name but remember to say that mr. Hotstuff reserved them for you okay?" " yea sure I'll remember" and with that they were gone.


Okay here's the next chapter! Please! Please please! Vote or comment! I'm not getting back any feed back at all. Let's do this I'll upload if I get a total of 10 votes and comments meaning I will combine the numbers (for example : 4 votes and 6 comments or 5votes and 5comments) got it? Great! I'll see you guys in ten vomments! (lol I learned that from another story I'm reading xD)

Her smile... a Zayn Malik fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now