one thing and the desperate search

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Zayn's pov

"Mandy youve got to tell your mom about this we have to find april!" i heard my self speaking before i could even think of what to say.

"zayn i would but we dont even knoe where she could have gone! she could be half way to china by now!"

"well if we have to go to...." my eyes widend in realization i knew where she was!

"zayn earth to zayn! what happend where did you just go?"

"i know where she went!"

"what? how lad she left a while ago and didnt say anything to anyone"

"no liam she did we just didnt pay attention! she went to san diego!"

"how do you know she went there?"

"remember how april and i separated from you guys when we were at the pier?"



"well i went with her becase during the ride she was talking about moving to san diego! i just only remembered!"

"well even if she did san diego is huge and we cant go to the police because we cant be involved in a scandle with the policce!"

"umm guys can i ask you something?"

"what louis!"

"god no need to scream but i was wondering if any of you guys had considered calling her?"

the entire room went silent at that thought....

"umm no...."

"here i have her number ill call her"

"okay but hurry up mandy! please"

"okay okay im calling!"


aprils pov.

after i finished unpacking and setting everything readdy in my new room i decided to walk around  san diego for a little while enjoy the best of downtown san diego, the one place i enjoyed while i was here with my family i loved this area it was so nice and the mall was so big , i mean im not a big spender... at least not aymore but it has great views and its a nice place to go for a walk.

As i went down the more quiet areas of down town but where alot of the very expensive stores are  i noticed a newer looking store as i aproached it i a sign on  the window caught my attention. "why not?" i said to my self? by that time and i would probably only ask for a day or two  to go back to L.A. for the testemony reading once i turned 18...

as i stepped in to the store i saw a beautiful girl with long dark brown with nicely cut side bangs and the perfect tanned skin color her brown eyes smiled at me along with her.

"hi welcome to ONE THING where you will find that one thing to make any event or out fit perfect for you, my name is victoria is there anything your looking for in particualr or anything i can help you with?"

wow.... she's very professional but she bearly looks older than me!

"umm yea i saw the help wanted sign outside, and i wanted to apply"

"yay! mom!!! omg i so told her that we were going to get more people applying faster if we had a sign on the window!, but shes all like no vicky were not thats just going to make us look tacky and blah balh blah"

did i say professional? oops spoke to soon...

"vicky leave the poor girlalone shes not going to want to apply if you burn her ears off talking!, haha hello honey my name Hanna  im the owner and manager here how are you?"

Her smile... a Zayn Malik fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now