a day full of surprises

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A few days after the funeral the boys and mandy decided that they had had enough of me locking myself in my room. it has now officially been two weeks since my mom died and these hobos want to take me somewhere to suprise me. yay. note the sarcasm.

"apple are you ready?!"

"yes mandy im ready"

"okay good because the boys are here... and theres a few more guests"

"a few? how many is a few?"


"oh okay, do i know them"

"acctually you do, its ashley and jassy aperantly louis took a little liking to jassy and theyve been texting so he invited her to come over"

"oh okay, so umm what did your mom say? when are you going back?"

"to be honest i dont know yet, we havent had time to talk with her being with the lawyer and trying to get the reading of the will out of the way and all her work, we havent had much time to talk"

"oh my god"

 "what what is it apple?"

"nothing, nothing its fine lets go everyone must be waiting for us"

"yea they arecome on"

when we got there i saw everyone sitting in the boys living room, ashley and harry were cuddling, jassy (who i dont know to well yet, but i will change that) was sitting next to louis having what seemed a funny conversation while niall liam and zayn were talking about a youtube video that they saw earlier. i remembered that first morning when zayn dragged me me over to meet them all. i thought i was about to get gang rapped or something....

"no love dont worry the only rapist here is harry but dont worry because SUUUUPERMAN will save you from the evil rapist!" and with that louis (once again) pulled me up onto his shoulder and ran around the living room with me 

"louis put me down!"

"no louis here mam only superman!"

"fine then i guess since louis isnt here i cant cook for him my special secret carrot cake"

and with that i felt a thump on my bum

"wow gee thanx louis"

"here take my hand"

"thanx zayn, but wait did i really say that out loud?"

"yup you did, but did you honestly think i would drag you into a gang rape?"

"oh well no its just that i bearly knew-"

"april relax i wazs kidding"

"oh yea ofcourse" if i was the type to blush id be beet red right now.

zayn stepped closer to me and whispered in my ear "thers no need to blush love, even though you do look adorable when you do"

my eyes widend as his word settled in and my hands flew to my cheeks, i guess i am the type to blush.

for a moment everything became silentbut thanx to liam it wasnt for too long, "so is everybody ready?"

"yea it seems that we are but um you guys were are we going exactly?"

"oh know whouldnt you like to know?"

"harry why must you always be so...-"

"so charming?, smart, handsome,perfectly adorable?"

"no i was going to say something more along the lines of a pain in the arse"

"oh comeon april im not the only one that isnt telling you where were going..."

Her smile... a Zayn Malik fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now