surprises!!! aka chapter 13

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Okay so maybe I rushed it by saying I wasn't going anywhere with them.

Then again I didn't expect Louis to lift me off my feet and carry me to their dressing room and then made sure I couldn't leave by having M.I.B standing out side the door all threatening and stuff... I hate boys and their muscles. After a short meet and greet (because they didn't want to take a chance of me getting lost in the crowed...) I was dragged back to their car, actually it was more of a van but same thing.

" I have my own car you know?! "

" I don't doubt you do but were not risking the chance of you leaving to the hotel Instead of coming with us" replied Lois smugly

I glared at him "I don't like you " I said simply mean while I noticed Liam, Zayn, and Mindy talking to them self's "you guys! secrets don't make friends!" I scream at them "hey that's my line!" screams Louis I glare at him and he shut up...

"relax apple" Mindy said, the boys just smirked "we were just talking about how Zayn should go in the car with you and I can go with the rest of the boys!" she continued "what kind of car do you have any ways? A buggy convertible or something like that?" asked harry. Mindy laughed"oh oh you shouldnt of said that..." she said between laughs. harry gave her a "why not " look . " wow you guys seriously think that just because I'm a girl I drive a buggy?! You sexist bastards! I'll have you know that I actually drive a 2011 lamborghini gallardo lp570-4 superleggera! And that if I was being nice before I'm not any more I'm going back to the hotel and no one is going to stop me!" with that I stormed of leaving them speechless.

But I'm guessing not to much because the next thing I know I hear footsteps behind me "April wait... Hold up!" I turn around to see Zayn following me "I'm not going with you Zayn and if you try and lift me up I swear I will scream rape so loud even china will hear me!" he simply smiles an lets out a little chuckle, forget him. i start wlking back to my car " hold on I'm not going to try and take you back" he's not? I gave him a questioning look "your not?, then what do you want?" "I wanted to know if you could give me a ride back to the hotel I didn't want to go out to eat ether, I actually wanted to see if you had any left over pasta" he said with a little smile and a little blush creeping up his cheeks " umm well I don't have any left but I can make you some if you'd like?" it sounded more like a question than a statement god what is this boy doing to me?! " um if it's not to much work, I mean I don't want to make you feel weird or anything..." "no it's fine here's my car" he turns to look at my car and his mouth instantly drops " oh my god you weren't kidding! This is an amazing car!" "umm thanx but are you going to get In or are you going to stand there all night catching flies?" he instantly closes his mouth and gets in.

After a very awkward ride to the hotel and parking in the hotels garage we started to make our way to the elevators. We were quiet the entire way there and once inside zayn decided to break the silence " so umm why are you here? At the hotel I mean..."

ok so how do i answer that? oh well Zayn I'm here because my mom is in the hospital and i have no where else to go until she gets out since I'm still under age... yea that's not going to happen.

"well my mom is..." and at that moment the elevator reached our floor. i had never felt the elevator go this fast but i was glad it did. "oh were here" i said stepping off "yea the elevator actually went fast for once" he replied as we entered my room i headed straight for my room laid my things down and took of my shoes replacing them whit some comfortable slippers, then heading back into the kitchen "so do you want regular alfredo pasta or any other thing you have a craving for?" " well i dont want to seem picky so you can make what ever is easiest for you, but one thing is for sure i want to help you." "oh no you dont have to its okay, plus its late and im sure all you want to do is rest so just sit down and let me make you dinner" "your wrong. all i want to do is help you with OUR dinner andTHEN sit down and eat it" i cant belive this boy... "okay you can help but its only going to be for you because i ate before the concert and- " "hey hey hey its okay as long as you let me help you its cool if you dont want to eat with me" "okay well ummm what d you want to eat?" "well considering its almost midnight id say something that is... " " how about i teach you to make banana panckaes with nutella and powderd sugar?" "uuu yes that sounds really good!" he says with a really gooffy and gigiddy face "okay then" this boy is wierd...

as i start getting all the ingridients together i cant help but to think of how good looking and handsome he is. i mean he has those eyes that can just drag you right in and those full lips that i just want to kiss and... " do you need help getting anything else?" he says now standing right behind me. i turn around and we are closer than weve ever been before, i can feel his breath on my lips and his nose touching my nose. "umm no it fine just if you can get a mixing bowl out of the pantry that would be good" "um yea sure" and with that he steps away. god tht was close. he makes me all tingly and gives me buterflies all over my stomach and i just cant help my self from looking at him. 

 start mixing the ingridients and set up the stove when im about to pour the mix into the pan he stands right behind me "i want to help" he whispers in my ear as he holds one side of my waist with one hand and holds my other hand with his free hand.omg this boy is going to be the death of me... no no deaths there has already been enough of those. he helps me pour five pnckaes before the mix is over and then stands back while i flip them...i have to admit that i found my self missing his touch.

as i made the final preparations to his dinner he took a seat at the breakfast bar and waited. i poured hima glass of milk knowing you cant have nuttela panckakes with out milk and took the plate and cup to him. As he  looked down at the plate his eyes widend " they look really good" " um thanx but im going to take a quick shower make your self at home if you want" "okay but um" he stood up and in one swift motion he had his right hand behind my waist and his left hand holding my cheeck as he came closer and closer to me. he was so close i could lightly feel his lips on mine and then, i could fully feel the preassure of his lips on mine... they tasted like heaven and i never wanted it to end and as he pulled me closer to him i could tell he didnt ether as i felt his toung brush against my bottom lip i took this as a sing to opent up my lips which i did. then our toungs battled for dominance and we stood there untill i realized some very important things. at that moment i separated our lips and ran to my room.


hmmm i wonder what she realized!

okay so its not to long and that i took forever to upload but ive been SUPER busy with work and getting things ready for my up coming graduation ceremony :) im so excited so yea guys and gals  soon you shall know more about apple and her past....but for now comment! yay :)

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