Chapter seven ( aprils pov)

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Okay heres the next chapter!!!! Its not long but its better than nothing right? Okay well Remember to comment or dm me your ideas and comments! :) have a nice read!

April's pov

After I left their room I went to the parking lot and found my car right away I was in a bit of a hurry I was going to go check up on my mom for a little while and then go meet up with Melissa, my real estate agent. I had nearly finished unpacking all of my clothes Nd gathering every thing I needed from my house and ether put it in a storage facility or in the case of my clothes and other very personal items I brought them with me to the hotel. But. Now I needed to make sure that the house was ready for sale, mom and me would be moving to San Diego once the doctors said it was okay for her to leave. I got out of my car which had been a present from my mom and dad for my 16th birthday it was a yellow Lamborghini that my dad had chosen for me but my mom was terrified that I drive considering it's speed and all. As I headed into the hospital I said hi to all of the people I see everyday and went to the cafeteria mason had my coffee ready and I thanked him payed and headed for the elevators. Floor 3 CRU otherwise knob as the Cancer Recovery Unit. Yes my mom had cancer and shed had it for a little under a year now. I just couldn't stand her being so sad all the time and in so much pain! But the good thing was that she was getting better and she was fighting it.

" hey mom how are you?"

" hey baby I'm good but what are you doing here so early?, I thought I told you that you needed to take a little time away from the hospital?"

" I know I know mom it's just that I can't I need to know your okay"

" baby I'm fine I'm doing better everyday and soon I'll be out don't worry about me" she said that with a little smile on her face I tried to reciprocate but I just couldn't I didn't wan to smile and seem happy while my mom was in a hospital bed in pain. I looked aT my watch 9:30 god al mighty time flies. " okay then if you promise me your fine and that youll call me if anything happens I'm going to go I have a meeting with melissa in half an hour, but I'll be back to check up on you around 2 or 3 "

" yes April baby I'm fine and I promise you I will call you if anything goes wrong, which it wont so I won't need to call you, now go you don't want to have Melissa waiting for you"

" okay then I love you mom and I'll see you later!" " I love you too sweetheart" I gave her a hug and then headed out. The house was 25minutes away and the streets were crowded but if I take the freeway I should be able to get there in 15 minutes.

I get there and greet Melissa and we start talking about the house and all that logistics of house selling. " well now that everything is settled we can put the house on the market and this being such a great neighborhood you should start getting offers in a week at the most". " great! Thanx again Mel" " hey no problem at all how's your mom doing by the way?"

" well she says she's better but I haven't seen her that much better" " well I hope it all goes through quickly, oh and by the way I have a list of houses and apartments in San Diego that are for sale if you want to start looking at them" " oh yes that would be great" at that she hands me a packet of about ten pages with pictures and information on different houses " thanx" " no no problem at all, but now I have to rush I have another meeting in 30 mins on the other side of town!" " oh no don't. Let me stop you go you don't want to be late!" by this point we were already out of the house and near the cars I got into my car and drove. As I drove I was thinking about alot of things but what popped into my head the most was the concert, I DID NOT want to go 1) I'm not in the mood and 2) I hate hate artists I mean they get famous and they become stuck up and all of a sudden they become to good for everyone.

I get to the hospital and saw a figure standing up next to moms bed " hey Cindy how's mom doing?" I ask thinking its the nurse " oh sorry, hey auntie ell" I say realizing it's my aunt and NOT the nurse " hi April how are you honey?" I would of preferred the nurse "I'm okay moms the one that's sick not me if you haven't noticed" i say an roll my eyes ghuu! " april! Dont be like that!" mom said to me, okay maybe I'm being a little rude but come on my aunt is a photographer for the stars... 2 years ago she didn't even go to grandmas funeral and last year when mom got sick after the accident aunt ell preferred to go do her job instead of being here with mom she hasn't visited till now. " I'm sorry but she hasn't visited you once since you got sick! And now she's all of a sudden here?!" I asked " " well I actually wanted to know if you would be able to take care of Amanda for a couple of weeks while I go on a business trip to japan?" " ohhn! Hahah well that explains alot! For a second there I'd thought that you were actually starting to give a dam about the only relative you had left!" I said a little mad at this point " APRIL! what way is that of talking to your aunt? That is not the way that dad and I raised you to be!" mom exclaimed " I'm sorry mom its just that I don't understand why she doesn't just get a sitter like any other normal parent or leave mindy alone for that matter! I mean the girl is about to turn 17 she can take care if her self!" " yes she can but I'm not going to leave her in London for 3 weeks all by her self" replied my aunt. Did I mention that 7months ago aunt ell and mindy had moved to London? I hadn't? Hu. Well they did wichita is the extra add on of surprise to why they're here. " well I'm sorry but we can't help you there, mom cant take care of her because obviously mindy can't stay at the hospital all day and I can't take her with me because I have to look at houses in San Diego for when mom gets out of here. And I'm not going to have time to be here with her." "that's okay I can just stay in your hotel and do my own thing if you want" said mindy apearing from... I don't know where " mindy!" I say even though I don't get along well with my aunt mindy is pretty cool and we get along very well she's a year younger than me and she's already 5'5 (compared to my 5'7) she has long black deadly straight hair and piercing warm brown eyes and she has a models body seriously she's gorgeous and any guys dream girl even though aunt Ell never bothered mindy would call about once or twice a month to see how mom was doing and to catch up. " hey apple!" okay so you've know learned my nickname " how are you?" she asked " I'm fine doing better and just well YOU know here and there getting things done" I say emphasizing the word you so ell would get the hint " well girls I'm sorry to break up this little catch up but mindy I need you to get your stuff from the car" " but I already told you we can't take her! No offense mindy you know I wish I could" " none taken I understand" " no she's staying with you April" I whip my head to look at my mom ok she's definitely getting worse not only is she looking paler everyday but now she's halussinating " I need you to do this for me April I told you I dont want you spending so much time at the hospital it's not healthy, as for the house you can continue looking when she goes back or you can take her with you to the San Diego, but I need you to do this. For me." she says looking at me with those sad hopefully eyes " god okay fine, mindy" I say as I turn to look at her " I guess were having a three week sleepover!" I say quickly going through the pros and cons of the situation so far the only pros I see are that I get to spend time with mindy and I do t have to go to that stupid concert tonight. " well then I have to go get my bags!" she says excitedly " I'll go help you" I say then go to mom kiss her on the cheek and tell her I'll be right back then I head to the door following mindy " so what have you been up to in London?l I ask " not much really mom got me a private tutor so I wouldn't have to go to school and I could just go out and do my own thing but I don't really know any one so I dont go out much" she states matter of factlly " I don't know how you do it!" she exclaims. Ok pause. You might be a little confused right here, you see mom used to be a high school teacher before she had me and my brother but she quit and became a stay at home mom but she knew how high school and school in general were so she decided to home school us and I never really had many friends growing up but at the end I graduated high school at age 14 then my mom helped me get into culinary school and after that I just went my own way to take other classes at ucla. Ok now that your cought up Let's continue. " well I never really had a choice, I mean I was home schooled my whole life and I didnt know any other way of life but you started out normally so it's harder for you" I explain " yeah I guess your right" she states cheerfully.


Okay! So I've uploaded! You lot happy? Haha cus I am. Also as you noticed I included Amanda aka mindy new character and I will soon describe apple a little better because I realized that I haven't been very descriptive so my goal is to be more descriptive. In the upcoming chapters you will all get an idea of how April looks and soon enough you will also learn her past:/ but for now... This is it so please! COMMENT! :)

thanx for sticking to reading this. Luv u guys!

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