the funeral

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"one week Liam! one week, shes been locked up in her room not talking to anyone for one whole week! shes barley even eating and she simply keeps blaming her self! "

"Zayn calm down at this point the only thing you can do is talk to her and keep reminding her that its not her fault, i mean i don't know exactly what happened but by what Mandy has told me she isn't to blame at all."

"i just don't know what to do anymore Liam shes hurting and shes crying and i just want her to be happy again and i don't know how to do that, and then her mothers funeral is in two days and i don't even know if shes going to be able to handle it you know?"

"look zayn just relax and go take a walk or something you need to get your head cleared off and you need time to think, ill try and talk to her okay?"

" i don't know Liam i don't want to leave her"

"okay then at least take a nap or something, you haven't slept in three days"

 "umm fine i guess i can try and take a nap"

Liam's P.o.V ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

i made sure Zayn went to bed so he'd take a nap because he really needs it hes been so worried over April that even if he doesn't go talk to her hes just pacing around and trying to make a move and go talk to her but something stops him every time. i think hes just scared hell say or do the wrong thing, but in this situation , what is the right thing?

*knock knock*

"hey April can i come in?"

even though she didn't reply i stepped in wanting to talk to her and try and help her.

"hey April you need to get out of this room love, Zayn has been worried sick over you but hes too scared to come and see you please you need to get out of this room and talk to people, talk to Zayn"

"Zayn... can you tell him to come here? i want to talk to him...please"

"yea sure ill tell him but remember that you are not to blame okay?"

i then got up and left the room. when i stepped into the living room i saw Zayn on the couch usually Zayn can fall asleep in a matter of seconds but now he was twisting and turning unable to sleep.


"yea whats up is she okay? what did she say? how is she?"

"relax shes ...okay but she wants to talk to you"

and in the blink of an eye he was on his way to April's room.

Aprils P.O.V.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

*knock knock*

"hey Liam said you wanted to talk to me?"

i shook my head in response even though i wasn't sure he could see me. after a moment of silence he finally sat at the edge of the bed and talked 

"look April i know it hurts but you need to stay strong, your mom didn't tell you because she was worried about you, she knew that you are strong but she wanted the pain to be less."

"can you lay down with me? please"

with out a word he lay down next to me, face to face , and held my hands in his. he made me feel something i hadn't felt in a long time, he made me feel safe.

"i know she didnt want to tell me i should have known something was wrong but i didnt want anything to be wrong so i ignored it. now i have no home no family and no friends"

"that's not true April you have Mandy and your aunt you have me and the boys and as for a home we can find you a new flat"

"no Zayn you don't understand, Mandy is going back to London in a few weeks and you guys are going to leave soon as well, mom and i were supposed to move to San Diego and live at a house near the beach"

"no I'm not leaving you. you can come live with us, yea we have a couple more concerts left on the tour but you can come with us and then when we get back to London you can get your own flat if you want or you can live with me"

"no Zayn i cant do that you have your life to live and i have mine. you have a bigger purpose and me well i was raised to survive, did you know i graduated high school when i was 14? and graduated culinary school in UCLA by the age of 16with a double major in business marketing"

"wow no i never knew that, your like a kid genious arent you?" his smile it was the one thing of his that made me happy at that moment, while the rest of my life was crumbuling down he was there holding my hands and showing me that it was okay to smile.

" are you ready?"

"ready for what?"

"Sunday? your moms funeral is only two days away April and i want to make sure your going to be okay and that your going to be able to handle it."

her funeral the day  i most dreaded because i knew it would be the last time i would see my mothers face, the last time i would be with her.

"yes im ready"

and with that Zayn wrapped his arms around me and cuddled me to sleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2days later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"hi welcome and thank you for coming, today i wanted to thank all of you for coming here and helping me not mourn my mothers but celebrate her life and all of her accomplishments, as not only a mother and wife but a person of great qualities.even though she gave up alto of her time for work mom always found the time of day, and night to make sure my little brother and i were safe healthy and all around well. just a little over a year ago most of you were gathered here to celebrate my fathers and my brothers life's, just like that day i ask you to please take a moment of silence to pray for my mothers safe journey to heaven and to thank god for permitting us to have people like her here in the world"

for a moment everything was silence and i made sure to look at everyone that was there,

my aunt had come back early from her trip and brought her assistant and her assistants daughter with her they sat next to Mandy and in front of the boys behind them there were old friends of mom and dads and on the other side of the isle were old co workers and people from the organizations that  mom donated to, and of course a couple of news reporters.

"thank you. my mom always used to say that if you have more than what you need you have a responsibility to god and the world for giving you what you have and you should help those who don't have as much as you, so that is why i want to thank the sisters of st.Marys orphanage for coming here today and saying a few word about mom, thank you"

as the sisters spoke i went and sat down next to mandy who held my hand the whole time and made sure i was staying strong.

at the end of the service we gathered at the hotels reception hall and talked and met people.

harry had brought his new girl friend Ashley and to say i liked her was and understatement she was pretty and nice yet strong, just the kind of girl harry needs. i also met Jasmine Brandon, my aunts assistant's daughter, she likes to be called Jassy which i think is very unique shes about  5'4, long black hair, dark-ish tan skin and dark brown eyes. i think that today turned out to be a better day than i expected. i just hope it gets easier from now on...


sorry!!!! i know i took forever to update but with school and work its all been so hectic! but yea as you can see Ive introduced a new character and you will learn more about her in the next chapter but for now if you've read this far PLEASE comment it doesn't take that long and the comment box is like right down here vvvvvvvvv so yea please comment! :) love you guys!

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