time flies part 2

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2 weeks later i was a pro. and i mean it i could sell outfits to any one and i was apperantly really good at fashion and clothing combinations.grandma said that mom was really good with clothes....

but anyways tommorow ill be leaving to LA and ill be meeting with moms lawyer, i have kept in contact with him making sure he didnt tell anyone where i was and that i would be back.

 As you can guess today is my birthday and im the only one in the store hanna and victoria said that they had to "tend to some family issues" wich probably means they went to get ice cream and then shopping and maybe looking for more merchendise for the store. but i dont mind if i were victoria id want to spend time with my mom too. hanna is amazayn... i mean amaZING.

 Lord those boys havent left my mind, especialy zayn. god how i miss him, how he conferted me and made me feel safe. i miss how whenever we went to bed he would hold me close and protect me. i miss his lips, sure i only kissed him twice and one of them was my first kiss but his lips are the definiton of perfection and the fact that he didint know that but still made me feel special afterwards, i dont know what im going to do without him for the rest of my life.

but ive started a new life here. i laugh and smile and talk and everything. but knowing id have to go back to LA i have also changed my appearence a little ...or alot... i went to a salon and got my hair dyed professionally http://stealtheirstyle.co.uk/Hair%20Styles/grande-ariana-hairstyles.htm and well since my hair is long i can pull alot of hair do's but it gets hot. i also got contacts they make my eyes look light grey with a hint of green and brown, i look like a completly diferent person and i like it, no one could recognize me even if they tried. but i guess thats the point, that no one recognizes me.

vicky and hanna say that i have changed alot since they first me t me and theyre glad i did, they say i look alot more confident and a little spunkier, haha but in this short amount of time they have grown on me and i enjoy their company. They also know alot about me, they know who my parents were and even though they were schoked at first they didnt go crazy and ask me to introduce people to them, i guess having parents that owned half of holywood would make you a bit famouse but mom and dad always knew how to take the light away from me, they always made sure never to use my name for any interviews practicly they hid me from the public eye not because they didnt love me, on the contrary i wanted to have a normal life and apreciated that they were hiding me. i did know a couple famouse people but it wasnt like i was best friends with them, i doubt that they even remember me and thats good. vicky has become like the sister i never had and hanna has become like another mother to me, i love them both just like family. the only problem is they can never know my full story. at least not yet.

as the day came to a close i started getting to close shop when hanna and vicky came back from their shopping spree oops i mean "attending family issues" haha theyre great.

"hey how was the shopping spree? i mean "family issue"? did you resolve it?"

"hahaha yea yea we resolved it alright vicky here had a hard time though "

"aww im sorry vicky, you couldnt decide what to eat for lunch?"

"hahah no no its not that but how about you go close the door in the back and then we can leave?"

"sure it wasnt but yea ill be right back"

i made my way over to the back and locked the door and when i came back i saw a little red bag on the central display table, i looked at hanna and then at vicky then at the bag once again

"umm what is that? that wasnt there when i left"

"we know" oh no vicky has that smirk on her facee that can NOT be good *gulps*

Her smile... a Zayn Malik fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now