12: The Red Shard ✔️

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MUSIC: (Sonic Adventure) Azure Blue World - Emerald Coast

They were deep in the forest, their feet crunching on the dried leaves of fall. This was Jayde's favorite season; the different colored leaves, the cool breeze - plus, it went straight into winter where there was sure to be snow days. Beside her strolled the Ultimate Lifeform, neither of them saying a word and enjoying the silence. They were on they were on the way to find the red Shard, Tails' invention in the ebony hedgehog's hands scanning around.

Jayde threw the ball in the air, catching it as it came back down to her. Baseball was always her brother's favorite, and the sports ball was now more like a lucky charm to her. They used to play all the time as they grew up with their friends, but once he was gone, she could never find it in herself to play again. No one played as well as her brother.

"It should be around here somewhere." he muttered, scanning the area. A sudden explosion was heard, making the two hedgehog's freeze, an evil laugh following, "That sounds like Eggman." Shadow hissed before sprinting towards the sound.

"Hey, wait up!" the grey female shouted, running after him. How the hell was he that fast? She came to a halt behind the dark hedgehog, watching as the fat, mustached man picked up the red Shard with a claw from his eggcarrier.

Dr Eggman spotted the two hedgehogs and hoed their way, "Ah, Shadow the Traitor, and his annoying renegade friend. Come to stop me? Well you're too late! Behold!" A large stomp just barely missed the grey hedgehog, her fur standing on end as she jumped back. The two hedgehogs looked up, an Eggman robot standing tall above them. It had large cannons on its fists and a metal mustache, much like the doctor's.

Shadow and Jayde clenched their fists, preparing for battle. "Oh," Eggman chuckled, "And just to make it interesting, Egg Crusher 3000, catch!" The mustached man threw the red Shard towards the robot, a large, crimson shield coming from its arm as it made contact.

"Chaos spear!" Shadow yelled, firing bright shots from his hands. The robot used its shield, protecting itself from the blasts before aiming its cannons and firing. Jayde leapt up, watching the explosion happen below her before landing in a wobbly crouch position. She quickly rolled around in a spin dash, travelling around the robot. The grey hedgehog concentrated on her powers, turning her body invisible before spinning straight through the shield, slamming into one of the robots legs. Shadow was jumping from the trees, firing more Chaos spears, aiming for the Shard in its head.

"Shadow, why are you such a traitor? Join me and we can rule the world!" Eggman crackled. Jayde unrolled from her ball, landing on the tree branch, crossing her arms. She listened to the discussion between the dark hog and Eggman, fearing that just maybe, Shadow would turn against her. She'd have no chance against the Ultimate Lifeform if he did.

"No. I made a promise to Maria to protect this world!" Shadow snapped, firing a Chaos blast towards the robots shield, trying to weaken it.

The grey hedgehog jumped from the tree as smaller robots flew around her, firing at her. She ran around, using her fighting skills to punch and kick the smaller bots, leaving the bigger tin can for Shadow. But the grey hogs mind wandered to what the dark hedgehog had said. Who was Maria? Did something happen to her?

The large robot suddenly came crashing down, an almighty blast coming from the Ultimate Lifeform, ending the robot. Jayde clambered up to the mech's face, ripping the Shard from its head, throwing it up and catching it. Eggman growled, "This isn't over! That Shard will be mine!" he flew away in his eggcarrier. The grey hedgehog cheered, throwing the red Shard towards Shadow who caught it with ease.

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