22: Fighting Negative✔️

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MUSIC: Malik Bash - Apollo [NCS Release]

"Oh my, Tails! Are you okay?" Blaze asked, noticing the dark bruise forming on his forehead. Tails nodded weakly before turning the camera so they could watch the fight before him.

Rouge gasped as she watched Shadow being punched in the gut, his super form flying back, the Negative Jayde was more powerful than she had once thought, especially to have hit the Ultimate Lifeform like that without him not being able to move away, "Knuckles, you need to connect with her now!" Rouge was terrified, not only for her GUN partner, but the young grey hedgehog who had become her friend in the short period of time.

The red echidna growled, his hands resting on the Master Emerald, "I'm trying!" Negative Jayde was powered by dangerous chaos energy and using the crystal, he may be able to reduce the amount that is controlling her. But it was almost pointless. Knuckles' strength was not enough to fully connect with her body and change her, "Jayde?" he asked; nothing.

"No..." Blaze murmured, before she slammed her fist against the Master Emerald I anger. Jayde meant so much to the feline. The hedgehog had helped them in so many ways and Blaze refused to let Jayde be taken completely over by her negative side. The purple feline's anger sunk into the powerful crystal, having it shine brightly, "I won't let Jayde stay like this! She's done too much for us to let it end like this!" she hissed, her determination paying off.

"Wait!" Silver shouted, still clutching his wounded stomach, "I can feel her presence." Knuckles nodded, and they knew that it was not too late to save the happy, energetic hedgehog they all knew and loved.

Knuckles and the rest continued watching the scene through the communicator, eyes wide as their hearts pounded against their chest. Another chaos spear shower came from Shadow's palms, a grunt echoing from the dark hedgehog, her fist spinning around to whack the Ultimate Lifeform back.

"We have to get over there!" Rouge looked at Silver.

"Shadow has the Chaos Emeralds, we can't chaos control over." Silver told her.

Knuckled blinked, looking towards the crystal he was sworn to protect, "I can use the Master Emerald!"

They gathered around, circling the Master Emerald as Knuckles used his power to teleport them to Sonic, Tails and Amy. Their orbs glanced around, the red sky darkening the forest to the point where they could barely see. The only thing that was truly visible was the two figures fighting in the sky above them.

Knuckles rushed to Tails' side, sitting him up properly against the tree trunk and bandaging his head. Rouge shielded Sonic and Amy with her wings as debris scattered around them from the battle. Using his now limited energy, Silver creating a powerful force-field around them all. They continued watching with apprehension as Shadow and Raven fought it out, but each of them knew that Shadow's chances of winning were slim.

Shadow's body was beaten up; badly. He was weakening but he wouldn't give up. He was their last chance; Jayde's last chance. If he couldn't free her now, she would be trapped in the evil spirit of herself, killing everything and everyone she loves - he couldn't let that happen.

The gold hedgehog tried his first tactic again, using chaos control to smack her from behind; but she had already seen it coming. Her fist flew behind her, knocking the Ultimate Lifeform off guard completely, and to the horror of the gang, gripped his neck, rocketing down to the ground below. The Sonic Team gasped, watching as they raced down to earth at supersonic speed. A loud crash was heard, an equator forming as Negative Jayde slammed Shadow into the floor, her thumbs pressing against his neck.

Jayde and the Seven Shards [1]Where stories live. Discover now