Chapter 2

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I gasped as I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Bloody Hell, Swan... You've been jumpy all week. What's wrong, is anything the matter; love?" Hook asked and I turned to him.
"No, nothing is wrong." I smiled apologetically.
"Well, something has got your mind twisted." He said and moved closer. "Perhaps I could make you forget about it." He winked. "Between you, me and a bottle of rum, I'm sure we can work something out." He smiled and I chuckled.
"I think you and the rum already have had plenty of dates today." I said and handed him a peppermint.
"Really Swan." He just looked at it incredulously and sighed before popping it into his mouth. I quickly removed myself from the position I was in, not feeling like getting pushed against the wall by the pirate. We have been taking things nice and slow, but I could tell he was getting impatient while I really was in no hurry.

"So, what brings you here Killian?" I changed the subject and arranged a few files on my desk.
"I was actually looking for your father, but I gather if you're, here he must be on patrol." He said and I nodded.
"He'll be back in about an hour. I can give him a message if you want."
"No need love, I'll be back." He said and wanted to walk away but turned to me again. "You would tell me if anything was wrong right?" He inquired. I smiled and nodded.
"Yeah... Sure."
"Alright, don't let me stop you." He said and went away again.

I let out a sigh of relief and leaned over the desk. What was I doing? Really.

Then I heard it. The echoing sound of heels quickly moving closer through the hallway. There was only one person that walked with that kind of confidence in heels.
"Good afternoon, Miss Swan." Regina spoke and seemed to stop. I looked up slowly and straightened up.
"Regina." I said in greeting and the woman cocked an eyebrow.
"You... Seem to be out of sorts." The mayor moved closer and put her bag down on the desk. She moved closer and frowned. "Are you getting down with something?"
"Well, clearly something is on your mind." The woman said and I sighed. There was a great many things on my mind, like the way her mouth moves when she talks, what she smells like since she's standing so close to me that I can actually smell the perfume, the way she looks at me like she just asked me a question.
"Shit, what were you saying?"
"Eloquent as ever..." The woman quipped and crossed her arms, effectively pressing her breasts together and up. My eyes were immediately drawn down, even if I didn't want them to, I couldn't help myself. The brunette spoke again but I didn't hear it.
"MISS SWAN!" She yelled. "My eyes are up here." She smirked when she finally got my attention.
"Jesus, Regina I'm so sorry..." I turned around and rubbed my face with my hand.

"I think I know what is boggling your mind lately." She said and as I turned around, I saw she was now sitting on my desk, her legs crossed and that leather pencil skirt of hers riding up dangerously. She knew exactly what she was doing. My eyes were drawn to the thighs which were clad in black lace, more and more of it being revealed as that skirt crawled its merry way up those beautiful legs.

"Come here." Regina demanded. That got my attention. I slowly did as told and moved to stand next to the desk as she was sitting on the corner of it. "Good girl." She whispered over my lips and slid her fingers over my bare arm. Normally that wouldn't have meant anything, but the way she looked at me and how she slid her fingers up my arm, the way I felt... It was electrifying. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding, closing my eyes as I experienced her fingertips gliding over my skin.
"Fuck..." I whimpered at the loss of her fingers. I opened my eyes and looked at her. "We... We can't..." I tried to make sense but the woman put her finger to my lips, effectively shutting me up.
"Nothing is impossible." She said and took my hand. I didn't realize why until it was too late. My fingertips were now on her thigh. I watched as I slid my hand up, the muscles rippling under the woman's skin as she could feel it too. I got to the hem of the skirt and gently skimmed my fingers under it before pulling back. I looked into her eyes and she grinned before getting up, moving closer as she whispered in my ear. 

"8pm, my place, eat well, drink water, no alcohol. Don't be late."

The woman looked at my desk, picked up the report I just finished and took it with her, leaving the building.

"What are you doing Emma Swan..." I groaned and let myself drop to my knees, resting my head against the desk.


Curiosity got the better of me regardless, and so I was standing on the woman's porch a little before 8. I knew how she likes people being punctual, so here I am, on time... for once.

I rang the doorbell after fighting an internal battle of 'should or shouldn't I?' and in the end 'should' won.
"I was wondering how long it would take you, I've been waiting here since you pulled up in my driveway." The woman said as she opened the door. I was stunned into utter silence as I looked at her. She had her hair slicked back into a tight and neat ponytail, light make up to just accentuate her eyes and wearing an incredibly tight, black, leather dress that I had never seen her in before.

"Well, don't just stand there, come in." She grinned and moved aside. I swallowed and went inside, looking down at myself I suddenly felt a little under-dressed. I looked at the woman and bit my lip. She chuckled and took my hand.
"Don't be nervous." She said softly and moved closer. I was getting a good look at what was going on inside that dress. The zipper was straining to keep her breasts contained. It seemed like it just wanted to burst open only to reveal the beautiful pair and the fact she was probably braless under there. I swallowed and she seemed to pick up on what was going on.
"Can't really wear underwear under something so skintight now, can I?" She smirked and walked away, swaying her hips more than necessary. I looked at her behind and repeated those words in my mind.
"Fuck..." I groaned and licked my lips.

I have always known that Regina Mills is a sexy little minx, but now she had me wrapped around those gorgeous fingers of hers. It was exciting, thrilling and scary... But I loved it. 

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