Chapter 11

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It sure was embarrassing that Emma had made me cum like that, in my office of all places... As promised, she had cleaned up the mess I made while I desperately worked to flatten the pages I scrunched up. I taped the ripped ones together and sighed as I looked at the blonde.
"I should punish you for making me destroy paperwork." I quipped and she just smirked at me.
"I sense a 'but'."
"You didn't disappoint me at all." I purred and leaned back in my chair. "I'll whip you for the destroyed pages though." I added and smirked, holding up the 8 pages that were now mangled. "One hit per page."
"Yes; your majesty." Emma purred and a glint of anticipation shone in her eyes.
"When you get off work, you will go back to my place and wait in the playroom, fully prepared." I informed her while going back to work.
"Yes your majesty." She said softly and then left. I looked up as the door closed and smirked to myself. Tonight will be a lot of fun.


I made sure that Henry would stay with the Charmings tonight. Can't really have my son running around the place when I'm about to punish his blonde mother. As I got home, I waved my hands around and changed into my leather dress and bound my hair in a tight ponytail. I went down the stairs and opened the playroom, finding Emma there as instructed. She was naked and sat on her knees waiting at the entrance.
"Welcome home, my Queen." She said softly and smiled. I closed the door and patted her on the head.
"Thank you, dear." I said and moved past her, looking at the several different type of whips I owned. I picked out a long black one and swung it, cracking it on the floor. I could see Emma jumped a little at the noise. I smirked and licked my lips as I wrapped one end of the whip around my hand. "Get up and lean against the wall." I said and moved behind her as she did as told. I slid my hand over her back, checking for any old marks before taking a few steps back. "Do you remember what you're being punished for?"
"Yes, I do."
"Tell me, dear."
"I made you destroy paperwork."
"Yes, you did. And how many lashes will you receive?"
"Eight, my Queen." I could tell she was already bracing herself for what was coming.
"Count them for me." I purred and got ready, landing the first one on her ass. She yelped and panted.
"One..." I kept going, hitting her on the other cheek. "Two." I smirked and hit her lower back. "Three..." I worked my way further up. "Four... Five..." She panted more and clenched her fists. "Six..." I could tell it was getting more difficult for her now. "Seven!" She winced and cried out as I hit her shoulder. "Eight!"

I tossed the whip aside and gently rubbed her back to soothe the pain. She winced as I rubbed the welts. Even though I held back, I had hurt her more than I intended.
"That really hurt Regina..." She whimpered. I could tell she was crying. I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her neck.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." I whispered and turned her around, wiping away the tears that went down her face. I kissed her eyelids and wrapped my arms around her body. "You did so well last time, I thought you would be able to handle that whip." I explained and kissed her forehead. She slowly looked up at me and grabbed my hips.
"Never use that one again." She said softly and I nodded.
"I promise." I said and cupped her cheeks. She smiled weakly back at me. "Why don't you lie down and I'll heal your back." I suggested. The woman bit her lip.
"No, let them heal on their own." The blonde said softly and kissed me gently. "They're the proof that I trust you." She said and pointed at the whip I threw on the floor. "I just don't trust that thing." She said and I chuckled softly.
"I won't use it on you anymore." I took her hand and laced her fingers with mine. "How about I run a bath and we take our sweet time relaxing and order take out." I suggested and she nodded with a smile.
"That sounds great."


I sat in the bath, Emma was sitting between my legs as I rubbed a sponge gently over her back in the hope to soothe the welts that rose on her skin. I kissed over her neck and moved her hair aside, gently nipping the skin on her jaw.
"Are you sure you don't want me to heal them? They even look painful now..." I said softly. The woman turned to look at me and shook her head.
"No, I don't mind the pain. That whip just really hurt..." She said and moved to lean back in my arms. I wrapped them around her and rubbed the sponge over her chest gently.
"I'm really sorry Emma." I bit my lip and she shook her head.

"Regina, it's okay. You couldn't know. We tried it out and we ruled it out, easy as that." She said and turned on her stomach, facing me properly. "I don't regret it, so you shouldn't beat yourself up over it either. It wouldn't be fair." How could this woman be so strong and yet look so weak at the same time. Her body was badly marked, and here she was smiling at me and telling me it's fine. I sighed and slid my hand into her hair, leaning in to kiss her lips.
"Very well..." Then the doorbell rang. "That would be the pizza." I smirked and kissed the woman gently.
"Well, hurry up." Emma chuckled and sat up. I cocked an eyebrow and waved my hands, teleporting myself downstairs and into a robe before answering the door. I paid the guy for the pizza and closed the door before going back upstairs. "So, do you want to eat this in the tub or will you at least get out of it?" I asked and leaned in the doorway. The woman smirked.
"Tempting... But I think pizza and a movie is a much better combo than pizza and soapsuds."

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