Chapter 17

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I heard Emma's bug pull up in the driveway. I took a quick last look in the mirror, fixing my hair a little by fluffing it up and making sure my lipstick looked right. I straightened up and smoothed out the dress I was wearing before grabbing my coat and heading out.

The blonde got out of the car and smiled gently at me. I had covered up my dress in time, wanting it to be a surprise for her.
"M'lady." Emma purred and moved to open the other door of that yellow death trap.
"Oh no, we're taking the Benz." I smirked and tossed her the keys. "But you can drive." I walked over to my car and watched Emma gape at me.
"What's wrong with the bug?" She closed the doors and locked up the sad looking tin box.
"I want to survive this date, that's what's wrong." I chuckled and let her open the door for me. I turned to her as she held the door open and leaned in, close enough to kiss her, but not actually kissing her. "Besides, my car has more space."

I went to sit down and looked up at Emma who was still quite dazed by what just happened and thinking about what I had actually said. She slowly started grinning and threw the door shut, rounding the car quickly before getting in.
"You know, you could have just said so sooner." The blonde moved to get comfortable in the seat and groaned as she banged her knees on the wheel. I chuckled softly, hiding my mirth behind my hand. She turned to look at me and narrowed her eyes. She reached down and put the seat back. "Don't make me get my revenge by messing up your entire seat." She warned me and I shrugged.
"I can just put it back to normal with magic."
"Damn it." 


Emma had made reservations and we were being guided to our table. I looked around the place and smiled as it surely was a big improvement on Granny's. The blonde moved behind me and helped me out of my coat and gasped as she saw what I was wearing. It was a skin tight, black mini dress that stopped halfway down my thighs. I turned towards her and smiled, showing off the front which had my breasts nicely on display. It was a little bit of a vintage cut, but it wasn't too different from my regular attire other than the fact that I was now showing off my cleavage more than I normally do.
"Damn..." Emma whispered and I chuckled.
"Eloquent as ever." I quipped and slowly moved to sit down. She put my coat aside and bit her lip.
"Sorry... You just... You look fantastic, Regina." She shrugged off her own coat and went to sit down as well.

Soon enough we were brought two menu's and two glasses of wine. I smiled a little and took the glass, raising it a little.
"To us." I smiled gently. Emma did the same and smiled widely. I could tell this meant a lot to her. We probably should have started dating first before jumping straight into the whole bondage thing, but what's the fun in that? 
"To us." She repeated and we both sipped our wine.

We then looked at the menu and I smiled. It was an Italian restaurant, and I absolutely love Italian food.
"I think I might go for a pizza." Emma then said and I snorted.
"You go to an Italian restaurant to eat pizza?" I cocked an eyebrow and she chuckled.
"I just really like pizza."
"You're hopeless..." I sighed and shook my head. I instead settled on a salmon and ricotta tortellini and put the menu aside. After a while, the waiter came back and took our orders.

"So, now that you finally worked up the courage to properly ask me out." I smirked widely at the blonde who chuckled and shook her head.
"No, you got that wrong... You see, your Majesty~ You talked me into your basement first."
"I did nothing of the sort. I made you a proposal and you accepted."
"You told me nothing other than 'maybe one day we'll play.' and that was it."
"I do recall you showing up on my doorstep on the appointed time when you could have decided not to come." I smirked and leaned forward, knowing that by doing so my breasts would be pressed together and up by my arms on the table. It clearly worked as Emma's gaze was immediately pulled from my face to my chest.
"It... Sounded more like a demand." She said slowly and licked her lips. It was so easy to tease her since you could so clearly tell with her what was on her mind.
"And yet, you still made the choice to follow my order." I purred and slid my finger over her finger, slowly making my way up before pinching the back of her hand.

"Ouch! What was that for?!" Emma rubbed her hand and I chuckled.
"Well, you did interrupt what I was going to say before..."
"Well, I like to get the facts straight." I waved her off and just went on.
"So, what I was going to say is; What do you plan on doing now?" It was clear that I was causing a little confusion in her.
"What do you mean?" She asked and I tilted my head a little and bit my lip.
"Well, what I mean to say is... We're properly dating, you're already spending more time at my place than with your parents. So, I was thinking, why not make it official?" I knew the woman had a problem with settling down and binding herself to one place. It was already amazing she had stayed in Storybrooke for as long as she has. I know that I was perhaps asking for a bit much, but it wouldn't only please me, I knew Henry would be thrilled as well.
"Are you... Asking me to marry you?" She asked and I let out an amused sigh. She could be so thick sometimes.
"I'm asking you to move in with me, with us..." I looked at her hopefully as she let it sink in.
"Oh. I sort of thought I already had." She then chuckled and scratched behind her ear. I laughed a little.
"Well, like I said, you do spend more time with us than at your parents'." I bit my lip again. Emma took my hand and smiled.
"But sure, I'll make it official." She said and laced her fingers with mine. I smiled brightly and leaned in, pulling the woman closer by the collar of her shirt and kissed her softly. I didn't care if the whole town was staring at us. They knew that we were together, Snow had made sure of that. Trust her to tell a secret to literally everyone in town.

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