Chapter 18

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I smirked as I looked at Regina, holding up my pillow. She shook her head and chuckled.
"Oh, no no no... You are not..." And that's when I hit her square in the face with the fluffy offender. Regina yelped and grabbed the pillow, jumping on the bed and started smacking me with it repeatedly.
"I. Just. Finished. My. Face. And. Hair!" She dropped the pillow beside me and straddled me instead. "You're just asking me to punish you, aren't you?" Her hands slid under my pajama top and I shivered at the touch and those eyes that looked at me as if she wanted to devour me right there.
"Maybe..." I licked my lips and leaned up to kiss her, but she quickly shoved me back on the bed and smirked.
"Well, too bad." The brunette got up and used her magic to sort herself out again before quickly putting on her killer heels. "I'm late to a meeting as it is... Now, if you want to stay in my good graces, you better get Henry ready for school and go to work. You're late too, sheriff." She said and disappeared out of the room.

I sighed and threw the pillow back on her side of the bed before getting up. It was looking pretty promising, but as always, work comes first. I got up and knocked on Henry's door.
"You up kid?" I asked and I heard some rummaging.
"Yeah, I'll be down in a few." Was the muffled reply. I went back to my room and got properly dressed and sorted out before going down to make breakfast.

"Don't forget Emma, you have to go to the parent teacher thing tonight... I won't have time." Regina poured her coffee to go and leaned in, giving me a kiss before grabbing her suitcase. "It's at 7pm, so don't be late." She looked at me and I nodded.
"Parent teacher meeting, 7pm, don't be late... Got it." I repeated and grabbed an apple, putting it in the woman's mouth. "Don't forget your breakfast, Majesty..." I said and Regina cocked an eyebrow yet gladly accepted the apple before quickly making her way out of the house.

I shook my head and sighed before starting on making some scrambled eggs. Henry came down like a tornado and dropped his bag on the floor before sitting on the stool.
"Breakfast ready yet? I'm hungry..." He said and I looked at him, shaking my head. He was growing so tall now... He suddenly went into a growth spurt and towered above both of his mothers now. Even when Regina was wearing her heels, he was still taller than her by an inch.
"Maybe I should stop feeding you altogether. You're getting way too tall, kid." I smirked and plated his share of scrambled eggs.
"You're just jealous that I'm getting a better view." He smirked and winked before digging in.
"View of what exactly?" I frowned and he chuckled with a grin. I shook my head and went to sit with him. "You better not tell your mother."
"Hey, I didn't say anything. You just filled in the blanks, ma."
"God, you even sound like her." I chuckled and he frowned.
"Don't ask. It's not like you want to know anyway." I smirked and glanced up at him. We both laughed and finished our breakfast.

"Come on, I'll drop you off." I grabbed my coat and Henry grabbed his bag and coat as well. I dropped the kid off at school and went straight to the station where my father was sitting, reading the newspaper.
"Morning dad." I said and sat down at my desk.
"Oh, hey Emma." He put the paper aside and smiled. "So, it was a regular night, nothing much happened." He got up and pointed at Leroy. "He's sleeping it off as usual." I snickered and nodded.

"Thanks for taking the night shift dad. Also, can you take over tonight? I have a parent teacher meeting at 7 and Regina can't go... Apparently she's really busy." I said and David nodded.

"Yeah, sure. I'll be here at 6. I'm going to turn in now." He said and leaned in, kissing the top of my head. I smirked and nodded.
"More like good day." He chuckled and grabbed his stuff before leaving.

Suddenly, a loud bang rang through the entire town, making the foundations shake. I held onto the desk and gasped, looking around quickly where it might have come from. I ran over to the window and saw a big plume of smoke coming from the edge of town. I grabbed my coat and ran over to the squadcar when my phone started ringing. I picked up and hear Regina yell at me.
"What in the HELL was that?!" She asked and I got in the car.
"You're the witch, why don't you tell me?" I chuckled and put her on speaker before quickly driving towards the site.
"Ha-ha... What do you want me to do? Look in my crystal boll?"
"Well, if it helps, then certainly. Go right ahead." I said and sped down main street.
"I swear, our property value can't drop much more at this rate..." I heard the woman groan and I laughed softly.
"Some kind of explosion just happened and all you think about is property value?! You have to get your priorities straight, your Majesty..." I shook my head and turned a great many corners before making my way down one of the forest roads.

"Regina... I think it might have been Zelena's place." I said as I raced down the road to the farmhouse.
"I'll see you there." Regina hung up immediately.

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