Chapter 6

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I couldn't keep my eyes off Regina as the tidal wave of orgasm crashed through her body. The loud moan that ripped from her lips was hot and sexy. I wanted to hear more of those. I gently showered her body with kisses as I let her come back down from the high of orgasm. I slowly looked into her eyes and before I knew it we were in another intense lip lock. I slowly moved to lie the woman on her back and covered her with my own body, our lips never leaving each other. My fingers were still inside of her wet passage, so I wriggled them a little to see what reaction I'd get. The brunette rolled her hips onto the fingers and whimpered into the kiss, her hand went down and she wrapped her fingers around my wrist. I pulled back and looked at her, searching her eyes for an answer. She smiled a little but slowly pulled my hand back and instead brought it to her mouth, tasting herself as she rubbed and curled her tongue around my fingers, sucking them clean.

"Damn..." I groaned as I watched her until she finally pulled back.

"I think that is enough for today, Miss Swan." She purred and kissed me one last time before getting up. I watched as she grabbed her leather dress and slowly put it back on. I just stared at her body as she slowly covered it up again. I wanted to memorise it in case this would never happen again. Do I want it to happen again..? Yes... Yes I do...  I reached out and pulled her closer.
"Miss Swan." The woman gasped and looked down at me.
"Your Majesty." I purred and leaned in, kissing her thigh before letting go.

I didn't fail to notice the small smirk that blossomed on Regina's lips. I let her put some distance between us before she turned around.
"You should probably go back to the handless wonder before he comes looking for you." She leaned in the doorway. I quickly put on my clothes and looked up at her as I was zipping my jeans. "Same time next week?" She asked and I bit my lip before nodding.


I put my hair in a ponytail as I got back to the apartment and sighed. You could clearly smell a mixture of sex and Regina on my body. I knew I had to hurry into the shower so I wouldn't get caught. As I opened the door, there was Hook, waiting for me.
"Hello love." He looked up at me. I was startled by his sudden presence.
"You've got to stop sneaking up on me Killian." I sighed and slowly closed the door.
"The fact that every time I see you, you are startled by my presence worries me. What are you up to love, going out so late at night?" He asked and I just rushed past him.
"None of your business." I went straight for the bathroom and locked the door.
"You know, I will find out eventually Swan." That's when I heard him leave. I sighed and slid down against the door. Perhaps I should have thought this through a little better before I jumped into whatever this with Regina is supposed to be.


I was sitting in Granny's staring at my cup of hot coco when suddenly Regina sat down opposite of me.
"Good morning Sheriff." She smiled and looked at Ruby, ordering a coffee for herself before focusing back on me. "So are you still on for tonight?" She asked and I could feel her slide her foot along my leg suggestively. I held onto my cup a little tighter. I bit my lip and swallowed, nodding slowly. I had been thinking about it all week and there was no way I could say no to her. I knew it was wrong and that I was cheating on Hook, but it didn't feel like cheating since we never did anything of that sort with each other anyway.

"On for what, Hook came from behind Regina and I opened my mouth to make up an excuse but came up empty.
"Ladies night." Regina smiled. "She's showing me how this netflix thing works..." The brunette kept going and turned to the man. "What is it to you?"
"Well, perhaps I would have liked to take my girlfriend out on a date. It's Friday after all." He wriggled his eyebrows.
"I'm sorry Killian, I promised her last week that I'd watch movies with her."
"Will Henry be there?" Hook asked and I looked at Regina.
"No, he wanted to spend time with his grandparents. Not that he would like to see his two moms in bathrobes, face masks, braiding each others hair and what not." That made me laugh a little. That was perhaps a bit too much Regina... It was convincing up till that moment.
"I thought the Queen didn't do make overs and braid hair." I smirked.
"Well, perhaps I changed my mind." Hook just watched us and slowly moved to sit next to me. He wrapped his arm around me and I could tell that Regina got annoyed. Her mouth corner would twitch a certain way when she was, but only I knew because I've been studying her for all these years. I suppose... I paid more attention to her than I realised.
"Well, in that case, can this dashing pirate join you ladies?"
"No." Regina and I said at the same time.
"Why not? Maybe I like these things too..." I snorted, imagining the pirate with a facemask.
"No Killian. I don't think I can handle seeing you with a facemask." Then Ruby came over.
"If you two are having a girl's night... Ashley and I are going to the Rabbithole, why not join us for drinks?" She smiled and Regina grimaced.
"I hate that place, pass."
"You hate anything that smells like alcohol." I said and she looked at Hook.

Killian sighed and lifted his arms in surrender.
"Fine, I'm not wanted here. Will I see you later; Swan?" He asked and I shook my head.
"Probably not. Knowing us we will watch too many movies and pass out on the couch." I smiled and looked at the man. I was lying to his face and I could hardly regret it at all.
"Very well, enjoy your evening ladies." He said and excused himself. Regina leaned over the table and smirked.
"Bring your evening bag, Miss Swan. You're staying with me tonight." She then sipped her coffee slowly, licking her lips as she pulled back.

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