Chapter 22

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The sounds that were coming from my Queen were absolutely delicious as I thrusted my fingers inside of her hot body faster and a little rougher, just the way she liked it. Her perfectly painted red nails dug into the skin on my shoulders as she held onto me tightly. Those are going to leave marks for sure. I bit her neck, marking her for the world to see. I wrapped my arm around her waist and used my body to thrust my fingers as deep inside of her as they could possibly reach.
"Emma... Emma~" Breathless moans filled the room as I sucked hard on the nape of Regina's neck while my fingers curled inside of her. "Fuck..!" Came out a little louder and undoubtedly more desperate before she tossed her head back, a guttural scream of pleasure ripping from her throat. I felt her clench tightly around my fingers, the trembling of her body as I held her close and the unmistakable wetness that was her cum coating my fingers. I held her in place until she slowly collapsed back in the chair, gasping for air as she sought out my eyes while her vision was still hazy.

I smiled brightly, pleased with the fact that I made her orgasm like that. Regina moved to cup my cheek and pulled me closer, kissing me deeply after her breathing had evened out a little. She then pulled back and chuckled softly.
"Stop looking so pleased with yourself." She tried it as a quip, but didn't come out that way at all. I smirked and rubbed her thighs gently.
"Tell that to my back." I purred and showed the woman her nails as they were now two shades of red. She gasped and sat up properly to look at my back. I looked up at her and chuckled as her flushed face only darkened a shade.
"I'm sorry." She chewed her lip a little and I shook my head.
"You enjoyed it, that's all that matters. I'll wear the battle scars proudly." I grinned and she just punched my arm.
"I will heal them right now!" She threatened. I grabbed her hands and laced her fingers with mine.
"No you wont... I won't let you." I got up and kissed her deeply, pinning her hands to the armrests. I then grabbed the sash from her robe and moved to tie her wrists together. The woman gasped and shot me a slight glare.
"Untie me..." She said in a low voice, much like how the Evil Queen sounded in the enchanted forest. I shook my head and pulled her up, guiding her to the bed by her hands.
"Not until I will have my sweet way with you." I whispered over her lips and pushed her back on the plush bed. She bounced a few times before settling with a pout. That pout quickly vanished however when I started tickling her sides mercilessly.
"N-no! S-St.. Stop! EMMA~!" She squirmed and laughed, swatting at me to try and make me stop. I grabbed her wrists and pinned them back down to the mattress before leaning down to kiss her as she gasped for air. She kissed back and wrapped her legs around my waist, pulling me down on top of her properly.


The next morning I got up early for work and quickly dressed myself so I could make breakfast for everyone before I had to leave. I was making waffles when Henry slowly came down the stairs and plopped down on a stool at the kitchen counter.
"You two do realize the door needs to be closed in order for the silencing spell to work." He croaked. I looked up at the young man with a blush and bit my lip, chuckling awkwardly.
"Sorry kid... I guess I forgot to close the door when we went to bed huh."
"Did you sleep at all, Ma?" He raised an eyebrow like his other mother could do so well and I tilted my head.
"A few hours... I think." I added softly and snorted.

"What are you two talking about?" Regina joined us, wearing the silk robe from last night. I smirked and kissed her as she moved to give me my morning kiss.
"Nothing." I gave a pointed glare to Henry to keep his mouth shut.
"You know I can tell when you're lying..." The brunette said and looked at Henry.
"Henry... You look awful. Did you not sleep well?" She asked and the boy groaned.
"Got as much sleep as you did." He said and went to grab his bag. The woman frowned.
"What is that supposed to mean?" She looked at me and I shrugged.
"I may have forgotten to close the bedroom door last night?" I formed it as a question and the woman's face fell.
"EMMA!" A hard slap to my shoulder followed before the woman stormed off to go find Henry. I chuckled and bit my lip. Not my fault you're so vocal.

"So is anyone going to eat breakfast or should I eat all these waffles by myself?" I asked loud enough to be heard upstairs.
"Don't you dare!" Nothing comes between the Queen and her waffles.

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