Chapter 23

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I couldn't believe I didn't realize our bedroom door had been open all night. No wonder that my son was looking like he'd seen a ghost. He probably heard them too...

"Henry... about last night." I started when I picked him up from school.
"Mom, I don't want to talk about it, honestly." He chuckled awkwardly and chewed on his lip. I looked at him and nodded. 
"Yeah... Me neither." I said softly. We both started laughing as I drove us home.

As we got home, it was dark inside which was strange as Emma was supposed to be home early today. I looked at Henry and he shrugged a little before opening the door. We stepped inside and looked around.
"Emma?" I called out but heard nothing. Henry then pulled on my sleeve.
"Look, it's a note." He said and handed me the envelope with my name on it. I raised an eyebrow and opened it before reading the note. All it said was 'garden'.

"Garden?" Henry read the note over my shoulder and shrugged. "Well, lets go outside then." He pushed me towards the backdoor and smiled. I think he knew more than he let onto. I might have adopted him, but he was still a charming... And they were terrible at keeping secrets.

I opened the backdoor and gasped as I saw a trail of roses on the ground. I picked up the first rose as there was a card attached to it. 'Follow me'
I followed the trail of roses as it lead me to the back of the garden where there was a small terrace. There she was, dressed all nicely in a suit. Emma smiled at me and helped me out of my coat.
"Welcome home." She said softly and kissed me gently.
"There was a reason Henry suggested I'd wear this today..." I said as I was slowly catching on to what was actually happening here.
"What would make you think that?" Emma asked, but she was obviously lying as she was smiling way too brightly.
"What's going on Emma?" I asked and moved closer to her. She took my hands and kissed me softly.
"Regina, today I didn't go to work at all... I didn't even have a shift and you probably knew that." She giggled nervously and looked into my eyes. "I spent all day trying to clean this place up because there is something I want to ask you." She pulled a box out of her pocket and I gasped softly.
"Regina, I know our relationship isn't very conventional at times... and we have beat around the bush for the first years... I don't want to wait any longer. So Regina Maria Mills, will you be my wife?" She asked and opened the box, showing me a precious silver ring with a purple and a white stone in it. I didn't even realize I had started crying until I felt the tear go down my cheek. I chuckled and smiled, nodding to the woman on her knee.
"Yes, of course I will Emma." I said and let her put the ring on my finger before kissing her deeply. She smiled into the kiss and held me close.
"Well, after last nights events followed by this morning, I wasn't too sure." She giggled and I just slapped her arm.
"Forget about all that... I love you Emma Swan." I smiled at her and looked at the ring again. She smiled and held my hand in her own delicately.
"The color of our magic." She said softly and I chuckled, nodding slowly.
"What made you choose that?" I asked softly and she cupped my cheek.
"Because together we are stronger." And I knew as she spoke those words, it never has been more true.

"So, how long have you been planning this?" I asked and looked back towards the house knowing Henry was there somewhere.
"Uuhm, a while... But I didn't tell Henry till yesterday before bed. He's a good boy but he is terrible at keeping secrets like my parents." She chuckled and I smirked.
"Right... I could tell something was off the moment we got here." I said and bit my lip. "And he never picks something for me to wear. His lie about needing shampoo was pretty bad." I tilted my head and Emma laughed softly.
"I told him he should have gone with the out of socks routine..."
"You both suck at lying." I smirked and kissed the woman gently. "Because with you, Miss Swan, I can always tell." Emma wrapped her arms around my waist and leaned back a little.
"There is nothing you can hide from me either, Your Majesty."
"Is that so? Then what am I hiding right now?" I asked and the blonde thought about it really hard.
"Please let it be that you're not wearing underwear at all." She said in something of a prayer, making me burst out laughing. This woman was absolutely incorrigible and I love her for it.

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