Chapter 18 - Volskaya

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It was decided that we'd split into two teams, one going back to Numbani, and the other to Russia to investigate Volskaya Industries. Lucio, Reinhardt, and Zenyatta would travel to Numbani to meet with Efi Oladele who was there when Doomfist attacked. She has notable achievements in robotics and artificial intelligence, and recently won the Adawe Foundation's prestigious "genius grant". Coincidence that Doomfist attacked the same day Efi was suppose to leave on a trip with her parents. Could she have been the target? That's what Lucio's team would be figuring out. 

Even though a small part of me hoped that Lucio and I would be working together on this mission, Winston had a point. With Lucio now assisting me in cracking the Sombra protocol every now and then, we decided to split up, cover more ground. Athena was able to pinpoint two different types of data within the code, relating to each of our destinations that were attacked. While Lucio dealt with the second Numbani code, I would handle the Volskaya code.

Which means, I was on the Russia team. More specifically with Winston and Genji. The rest of the team were back in Eichenwalde in the event another terrorist attack occurred while we were out and the UN wanted us to look into it. 

The journey to Moscow wasn't long, but the anticipation was putting me on edge. I got started cracking on the Volskaya code during our trip, hoping that perhaps it might shed some light on what exactly Talon would have gained for Katya Volskaya, Volskaya Industries CEO. Lucio's team arrived at their destination a lot earlier than we did. We chatted about both our current progress on decoding our set of new codes. We gave each other some pointers on different routes and algorithms to try, and I asked him about his flight. 

He said it was fine, but he got into a bit of debate with Reinhardt regarding his taste in music. 

"You kids today with your techno music," The German huffed. "You should listen to the classics, like Hassolhaf!" 

"Reinhardt, I can not take you seriously right now," Lucio scoffed. 

I giggled, trying to muffle my laughter with my hand as I chatted with Lucio through the com-link of my communicator. A small blush blossomed as my cheeks turned a light shade of pink. I thought their little chat was quite amusing. After saying our farewell, Genji who sat a couple seats down from me, glanced up from his meditating position, looking over at me. 

"Who were you talking to, Hope?" 

I perked my head up, looking over at the cyborg. "Hm? Oh, it was Lucio, checking in on each others progress in the Sombra Protocol." 

"I see..." He spoke, his voice trailing off.

"Why do you ask?" I questioned, tilting my head with confusion.

"Your face is blushing," he stated in reply.

Wait--! Had he heard our conversation? Did he hear me laugh?!

"I-I-I'm not blushing," I babbled nervously, tearing my gaze away from him. "I was just-- laughing at a funny story Lucio told me," 

Genji chuckled, shaking his head at my reaction as he quietly muttered to himself, "Looks like McCree is not the only one who's got it bad for someone..." 

I froze, my mind screaming. I am just so glad Winston was talking to the pilots in the flight deck right now so he wouldn't have to hear that. Genji could sense my reaction to his words, and I could practically picture a devilish grin on his lips and playfully teasing eyes under that mask of his as he resumed his meditation. Not wanting to focus on that any longer, I returned my gaze to the holoscreen of my communicator, opening the new code from the Sombra Protocol. 

The code appeared to be hiding some sort of image file, but of what? 

Before I could get the chance to perform the decryption, the jet jerked to a stop, indicating that we had arrived at our destination. The Russians sent a plane for us to bring us to Volskaya's main factory to investigate the facility, and find out why the attempted assassination happened in the first place. 

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