Queen of Hearts

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A cloaked figure walked up the stairs towards the tower in the Evil Queen's castle. The figure encountered a guard and wanted to sigh – of course there would be someone standing in the way of his mission.

"Halt," The guard called to him.

"Food for the prisoner."

"It's not mealtime, who are you? Identify yourself slave!" The guard shouted but the figure easily defeated the first guardsmen. He honestly couldn't believe that the Evil Queen's men were as easy to bring down as cardboard.

"Slave? I prefer Captain." He really just couldn't help himself, he took the keys off the guard before he then entered a room to see a girl being held captive and knew he was in the right place. "Hi... you must be Belle."

"The Queen sent you, didn't she? She wants you to kill me."

"I'm not here to kill you, love I'm here to rescue you."

"Rescue me?" Belle asked, as Hook unlocked her shackles, she was really confused, "Who are you?"

"A friend, we haven't much time. Your father's life is in danger, he's being attacked by the very same monster who stole you away from your family in the first place,"

"What Rumpelstiltskin?"

"The Dark One – he must be stopped, you spent more time with him than anyone. There are rumours of a magical weapon that has the power to kill him."

"No, no, no." Belle said knowing this couldn't be true, the Rumpelstiltskin she knew wouldn't do that – he wouldn't go after her family. "Let... let me talk to him, he's not a monster."

"Belle, your father's life hangs in the balance. I need to know what that weapon is and where to find it,"

"I don't know what you're talking about and I have no idea how to... how to kill Rumpelstiltskin."

"You don't?" Hook said slightly disappointed.

"No, and... and nor would I."

"Hm, then I'm afraid I'm not here to rescue you," He said back handing her so hard that it actually caused her to fall unconscious, he knew if Adelaide had been there he would have scolded him for that but he was just getting so frustrated. Every time he got close to his revenge it was pulled away from him again and again. He then went to raise his hook to kill her because what was the point of living, after all she was stuck in this cell with no chance of ever getting out. However, he then found his hook was removed from his wrist by magic.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, she's a valuable chess piece."

"Do I look like I'm playing a game of chess?" Hook said, not really caring that he was facing the Evil Queen. He extended his hand to the Queen. "My hook if you please."


"The asking was me being a gentleman."

"Is that any way to address a queen? Even a pirate should have better manners than that," Regina said, enjoying the look on Hook's face, "Yes... I know who you are... Captain. I know why you came here from Neverland, I know all about the crocodile you wish to skin and the girl you wish to avenge."

"Then you also know, that I'll stop at nothing."

"So dedicated and resourceful, no one has been able to fight their way past my defences before. She can't help you kill Rumpelstiltskin Hook but I can, if you do something for me. Care to join me for a drink?"

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