Selfless, Brave and True

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Adelaide woke up to hear Emma's ringtone playing waking both her and Hook up. She looked at the time to see that they should have woken up ages ago but they didn't really care.

"Emma, not that I don't love talking to you but most of the time I prefer to do so when I've had a cup of cocoa in me or a cup of coffee."

"Sorry but it was urgent,"

"Why has something happened to Snow?" Adelaide asked sitting upright quickly. Hoping that Regina hadn't gone after her sister.

"No, Tamara... Neal's fiancé went to his place in New York but Guyliner's doppelganger was missing,"

"What?" Adelaide said turning back to Killian knowing this wasn't good, she couldn't have two of them walking around this was hard. "This cannot be good,"

"There's not much more he can do, I'd assume he'd be looking for one of two people,"


"And you Adelaide," Emma said, she cared about Adelaide, because Adelaide cared for Henry so it was good to help her – besides they were family. "If he really is Hook's doppelganger, then surely he'd love you just as your Hook does and this one is more attached to his hook as Gold found out. Just be careful all right."

"I will," Adelaide said before hanging up the phone.

"Love what is it?"

"Your doppelganger might just be on his way back to town." Adelaide said turning to Killian, who's eyes darkened slightly. He knew what sort of position that point him in. "Hey it's all right, nothing is going to happen to you."

"I'm more worried about you,"

"Well you don't have to be." Adelaide said moving to kiss him but before she could her text alert went off.

"People cannot leave us alone this morning."

"No, they can't." Adelaide said before looking down at her phone, reading the frantic text from David, she then kissed Killian quick before moving away from him to get dressed.

"What now!"

"I'm sorry, normally you're my first priority but right now my sister is out in the woods. She needs me,"

"Well what if I need you love,"

"Your kind of need me, is very different." Adelaide said as she pulled her shoe off to put it on the right foot, "I will be back as soon as I can, I promise."

"I will be waiting right here,"

"You'd better be," Adelaide said smiling before she shut the door behind her.

She then rushed into the woods and followed the sound of arrows being shot. She eventually saw her sister and ducked as an arrow headed her way. She then gave Snow a look that just said: really. Snow pulled out her headphones.

"What are you doing here?"

"David was worried, so he sent me after you. Thought you were less likely to shoot me but that remains to be said," Adelaide said with a small smile, "I'm glad you got out of bed."

"I need to get my head clear," Snow said particularly ignoring her sister as she let another arrow fly, however this time it went out of sight. The sisters heard the arrow hit something however they didn't think anyone else was in town.

"What was that?"

"I don't know," Snow said heading deeper into the forest and, despite the fact that she knew she just might regret this decision, Adelaide followed her. Eventually they came across what looked to be a long abandoned caravan. Snow took of her bow, before they both entered the caravan.

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