Good Form

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Killian had refused to even look at his wife, so it was Regina who had been taking care of her. Snow had offered to look after her sister, but Regina knew that this sort of pain and Snow didn't. She'd taken Adelaide to the river that flowed near the cave to wash as the rest of them looked around the cave. Regina had so many questions, so much she wanted to ask the woman she'd thought she'd known very well - Adelaide was so strong, yet now she almost seemed as though she were broken. So Regina knew better than to ask all the questions that burned in her mind. Instead she went about fixing all the damage Pan had done to her and despite how much pain she was in, Adelaide didn't say a word - after all she was too upset to even think let alone talk. Without asking Regina used her magic to heal Adelaide's wounds. Adelaide would have told her not to bother; it made her feel better and she did not want to feel better.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"It never came up in conversation," Was all Adelaide could manage to say, it was so... emotionless, so unlike Adelaide. Regina used the river water to clean the blood out of her hair, "Why are you being so kind to me?"

"Technically you are my step-daughter. And even if you weren't, your my friend."

"Please don't be kind to me." Adelaide said, her voice breaking midway through. "I don't deserve it,"

"You're speaking to the Evil Queen - if you don't deserve kindness, I certainly don't."

"I feel so-"

"Weak?" Regina said, knowing exactly how that felt. "I know, I've been there. Once your broken, you feel weak. But the best part about being broken, is that you get to build yourself back up - better and stronger than before. This is your chance to be better,"

"Thank you,"

Regina helped her back on her feet, she also gave Adelaide her jacket. After all the dress she was wearing was incredibly ripped, she was getting cold. Adelaide clutched the jacket close to herself, taking all the comfort from it. As Regina and Adelaide re-entered the cave, she couldn't help but notice how close Killian was to Emma. Adelaide wanted to feel upset, she wanted to feel angry - but she felt as though she deserved it.

"You need a hand, love?" Killian asked Emma, not even caring what Adelaide thought about it. He wanted to make her jealous, he wanted to make her feel the pain he felt - not knowing she already felt it.

"Is that a joke?"

"Hmm, no. I'm being quite serious," Killian said removing the bedding to see what Emma was looking at.


"What is it?"

"It appears Neal marked his days trapped on this island." Killian said, looking at all of the tally's that were marked on the wall. Emma climbed up on top of the rock that Neal had once called bed. Snow looked over at her daughter, before moving to get closer to the wall.

"What's wrong?"

"Look here, Neal stopped counting."

"Cause he got off this island," Snow assumed, but Adelaide knew better. But still she said nothing.

"He was here longer,"

"Then why would he-"

"Because he lost hope," Adelaide said, speaking her first words in front of Killian since her return. Everyone, including Killian, turned to look at her.

"You got that from scribbles?"

"It's what I did when I was in Gold's tower, I counted every day until counting just seemed ... so pointless, after..." She didn't need to say after the baby, everyone had already guessed.

His Greatest Treasure - Captain Killian Jones Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now