All the Little Lights

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(Agnes' POV)

"Wait what?! How long could it take?!" I nearly shouted at Henry, who I had asked how long it would take to reach Pelegosto.

"Agnes! Emory's still sleeping! You heard me, it could take a week or two."


"Weather patterns. It's going to be extremely stormy. We'd be best getting a head start."

"My goodness, trapped on the ship for nearly half a month!"

"When you say it like that," Henry sighed, tightening the rope of the haul.

"Darling! May you be so kind as to do me a favor," Jack spoke to me, handing me a piece of weathered paper.

"What is this? A key?" I asked, unsure of what I had just been presented.

"Aye! If you would be so kind as to find it, it would be greatly appreciated."

"Great! Where do I start?"

"Anywhere and everywhere," Jack answered, leaving me.

"Wonderful advice," I mumbled, starting my journey downstairs.

I decided I should check on Emory, considering I was already downstairs. I slowly tip-toed my way to his hammock, looking down at his sleeping face. He was so peaceful while he was sleeping, he always had been. I lightly moved the stray dirty blonde strand from his sweaty forehead; him stirring in his sleep.

"I'm crazy if I think I'd ever have a chance," I whispered, cupping his cheek lightly, scampering off to complete the task Jack had given me.

Emory. Where do I start?! Without a doubt, he's the most important, best friend I have ever made in my entire life. I can still remember the day so clearly; the day we met. When mom abandoned me, that's when I realized I had to get a job. I festered for months trying to figure out how I could save myself! I had very little knowledge of what the people of Tortuga did for a living. But, I did know of one bar, the King's Arm.

My mom always went there to drink, and one of those times she took me. I knew for a fact that place had to have jobs! I trudged down to the place, in hopes that they'd take me. The first face I noticed when I walked in was that of Emory's. He didn't look that much older than me, it brought me hope!

The bar was completely bare, the sound of her torn and muddy slippers trudging in on the rustic wooden planks, piercing hazel eyes looked into her chocolate ones.

"Hello miss! What can I do for ya?!" The over ecstatic boy asked Agnes.

"Hi...I was wondering if you're hiring?"

"I'll be right back, miss!"

Emory scampered off into the kitchen, bringing an older man out with him.

"This girl right here would like to work with us Absalom!"

"Emory lad, you know we don't take ladies! Nor girls. She's far too young. You best be scurrying off now, lass." Absalom shrugged, walking away to the kitchen, until Emory interrupted, that is.

"Wait! Absalom! She doesn't have a mom or dad! Do you?" Emory smiled at Agnes, who was currently shuffling her feet on the floor.

" mom just left me."

"Cmon Absalom! Please?! I'll watch over-what's your name?" Emory asked, her glossy eyes staring straight into his.

"Agnes. Agnes Willow."

"Willow? Not a common last name," Absalom nearly growled, becoming impatient with her.

"I-It's not my middle name sir, my mom said to never use my last name."

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