Random (32)

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*Jokes only Harry Potter fans will understand*

Q: Why did Snape stand in the middle of the road?

A: So you'll never know which side he's on.

Snape: Headmaster, I'm afraid the Dark Lord has returned

Dumbledore: Are you serious?

Snape: No, I'm Severus

Person 1: Do you want to hear a joke?

Person 2: Sure.

Person 1: Knock knock 

Person 2: Who's there

Person 1: You know

Person 2: You-know-who

Person 1:

Person 1:

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Hermione: I'm going to bed

Draco: Can I Slytherin?

~The only reason why Harry Potter wasn't going into Ravenclaw is because he didn't try to pick the letter off the floor. Instead he jumped around and decreased the chance from 100% to 0%. No wonder he went into Gryffindor~

4 words: Snapes on a plane.

Harry: Albus Severus Potter, you were named after the two bravest men I ever knew.

Ron: .....

Ron: I literally sacrificed myself to a giant chess game when I was 11 for you

~Harry Potter books according to Draco Malfoy~

-Draco Malfoy and the Rejected Handshake

-Draco Malfoy and the Better-Than-Potter's-Broomstick

-Draco Malfoy and Hagrid's Bloody Chicken

-Draco Malfoy and the Year his Father would Hear About

-Draco Malfoy and the Inquisitorial Squad

-Draco Malfoy and the Vanishing Cabinet

-Draco Malfoy and the Year he Realized he had been a Nitwit


Hope you enjoyed, Harry Potter Fans!!

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