The Truth About Purgatory.

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I handed the puppy to Sam for a moment. Dean looked a little upset. So I wanted to go talk to him. Sam immediately started giving the puppy lots of affection. Guess neither of them really had a pet before, I found a stray that I kept with Rhett for awhile. But I was starting to question if the dog really ran away. Dean had disappeared quickly. I found him in his room about to slip his headphones on.  I knocked on his door.  He looked up.

"Hey, you alright?" I smiled.

"That's not how it was supposed to happen," he sighed, "Don't girls think about that and want it to be perfect and romantic and-"

"Dean, I'm not that kind of girl," I laughed walking over and sitting on the bed pushing him over a little. My head rest on his shoulder, "really its kind of perfect for us."

"You think?"

"Oh definitely.  It was kind of funny watching you chase the dog."

"I heard the laughing."

"Sorry, it's tiny and you're a tall guy.  I'm sorry. It definitely memorable."

"Memorable is a good thing, right?"

"I think so.  Are you sure you want to have a dog around though?"

"Do you not like him?"

"Are you kidding? He's super fluffy and adorable. I mean, just in our line of work it's hard to spend time with him, right? And what if we all go on a trip?"

"What if we all go?"

"We can't just leave the dog here."

"He can come with us."

"In the impala? With fur and shedding? Maybe getting carsick?"

"Well, um, that's fine."

I looked over at Dean who looked a little annoyed.  I smiled as his arm wrapped around me.  He sighed softly as he kissed my head.

"You want me to take him back?" Dean asked.

"Well, a dog is a big responsibility, Dean. And like a kid it's a scary life we lead. What if we don't make it back or something? I think it is absolutely sweet that you brought a dog and Christmas home to cheer me up," I frowned thinking about it, "I mean we couldn't have had a kid, right?"

He looked down at me. My face buried into his shirt as I felt tears building.  He held me a little closer as he sighed.

"I don't know.  All I could even think about was what if something happened to us?  And then...I..." he trailed off.

"Dean, it's alright."

"Is it? You've been crying every night. And it hurt me to hear it.  You didn't even talk to me."

"Hey, cut me some slack. I don't know what to do with these feelings.  I'm not used to all this mess."

"Usually people talk about it."

"Oh, so do you and Sam talk every time you're upset about stuff?"

"Okay, well, this is something you can talk to me about."

"I see. I'm sorry if I worried you.  I didn't mean to.  I just didn't want to do anything.  It was awful."

"Maybe I should take off the next hunt and stay with you," he offered, but I declined the offer, "come on, ____, you, me, the entire bunker to ourselves."

"That does sound like a good time."

"Think about it."

My phone started going off in the other room.  I hadn't had a call on it in ages.  Not since work stopped coming in.  A comment slipped from my lips that I hoped Dean hadn't heard.  I picked up the phone and looked at it.  It was Rhett's number, how the hell was that possible?  My finger slid across the screen.

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