Of Love And Pie.

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"Sam. Dean," Cas said flatly.

The two men were surprised to see the angel in their bunker. The puppy ran past as Cas hesitated to follow it. He took a step forward as Dean stopped him. The angel looked slightly worried.  As if suddenly remembering the dilemma. He stepped forward.

"What are you doing here, Cas?" Dean sneered.

"It's ____," Cas was quick to explain, "she needs help."

"Yeah she told Sam where she is."


"She gave him her phone with the address sent to her."

"Oh, well, she isn't there anymore."

"How do you know that?" Sam asked.

"Well, she set me free and sent me here."

"What do you mean set you free?"  Dean asked.

Castiel explained everything he knew to them. That Crowley had manipulated my memories to make me think that I was in Purgatory.  And that was why Dean never found me. That he mimicked Rhett and Sam's voices to get me to leave the bunker.   That I was the only person strong enough to contain my demon half.  That currently they were going to work on permanently binding us together.

"How do you know all of this?" Sam asked.

"Crowley found a way to suppress my powers. Even control me. While he was messing with her memories I got her out of there and brought her back to you," Cas explained.

"You did that?" Dean asked.

"Yes, I felt horrible about everything and wanted to make things right."

"Well this doesn't make us even, Cas."

"I know, I owe you both a great deal."

"That's an understatement."

"Dean," Sam whispered, "cut him some slack he's trying.  Where is ____?"

"I can get you there but we should move quick.  I don't know if they will stay long now that I am free."

"Alright. Let's go, Sam. Get some stuff and let's get going."

"Please be quick," Cas begged.
We moved immediately after Cas left. They weren't going to chance him coming back. I woke to the sound of an odd language. As I woke more I realized it sounded like Latin.  I lifted my head, finding my hands tied behind my back.

"Good morning," Crowley said.

"What ya got there?"  I asked, rolling my neck in circles to ease the tension.

"Just a little something to keep you two together. And you quiet."

"Oh.  I see you think a little bit of your third rate magic is gonna keep me quiet while she runs amok in my body?"

"Something like that."

"I feel bad for you, Crowley. You really think you've got it all together.  But I am going to enjoy proving you wrong."

I looked around the room to see my other half sitting in a chair behind Crowley.  She didn't look well. Her breathing was labored as she lifted her head slightly.  She quietly asked Crowley how much longer he needed.  He responded in a hushed tone that I couldn't hear, but I could only assume he was almost ready. She tried to push herself out of the chair, but couldn't.  I almost felt bad for her.  Her eyes met with mine and looked sad.  Maybe she didn't want this to happen, but she needed it to. I can't imagine not having a permanent meat suit to live in, but that's because I was a meat suit after all.  Just a monster damned to live like this.  How did I even believe for a moment I was human?

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