Harry Potter and the TriWizard Tournament

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If you haven't already, check out the rule book, which can be found in the 'My Works' section of my page.

Now, I bet you're wondering how this is going to work.

Once, I get all twenty contestants (four from each House) the contest will begin. After that, I will post a prompt, which will be challenges that your character will face. The longer the contest goes on, the harder the challenges will become. You will submit your entries to me via email before the deadline. (If email absolutely does not work for you, PM me to work out another solution.)

After the deadline for submitting your entries, I will post them in one section, followed by a voting page. You will then have a week to earn votes for your character to stay in the competition.

After the voting session ends, a certain number of you per round will be eliminated. It keeps going like that until there is only one left, and that person will be crowned the winner. 

Harry Potter and the TriWizard Tournament (A Writing Competition)Where stories live. Discover now