Gryffindor #2 - Ryan Lock (ForestRidge)

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Name: Ryan Lock

Age: 15

House: Gryffindor

Gender: Male

Appearance: Ryan is tall and skinny. He is built fast and surprisingly strong. His hair is a mess of long brown and he has deep blue eyes.

Traits: Ryan is quick to smile most of the time, but can also be quiet and serious. He is always looking for adventure and to learn more.

Wand: 12 inch Rowan with a Phoenix feather core

Boggart: Him being buried alive/struggling to breath

Patronus: A large wolf

Blood Status: Half-blood (Father was a wizard, his mother was a muggle)

Background Info: Ryan has had a relatively normal upbringing. Once he got to school, he quickly excelled to one of the top in his class, doing well especially well in DADA and Care for Magical Creatures. His father works as a Magical Zoologist, traveling quite a bit, while his mother is a nurse. He is the keeper on the Quiddich team.

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