Gryffindor #4 - Naomi Maxwell (lucygh12)

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Name: Naomi Maxwell

Age: 16

House: Gryffindor

Gender: female

Appearance: Noami has brownish-blonde hair, which falls over her shoulders. She is tall for her age.

Traits: Noami is a discreet and unusual girl who is surrounded by an aura of mystery due to her seemingly aloof and distant demeanor. Indeed, she is very secretive, enigmatic and possesses impressive self-mastery. She emanates an air of calm which can often be mistaken for detachment or icy indifference, however she is simply an unusual, solitary character who is often misunderstood by those around her. Her inquiring mind can often lead her to analyze, criticize and be skeptical of situations. Extremely independent and idealistic, she tends to conceal her sensitivity behind a façade of irony and cynicism.

Wand: 13 1/2 half Aspen wood with Phoenix Feather core

Boggart: Vampires

Patronus: Eagle

Blood Status: Half-Blood

Background Info: Naomi was born to Auror parents, both of whom died while fighting against Death Eaters before Voldemort disappeared. She is being raised by her aunt, Ravonna who works in the Department Of Magic Law Enforcement. She absolutely loves Quidditch and is a huge fan of Puddlemere United. Her favourite subject is Charms. She is friends with a few people only, ones who are able to understand her demeanour and personality.

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