Round 1 - Entries

114 8 9

Samantha Evans

I smiled as i walked into the Great Hall, the eloquent details still filling me with astonishment and excitement. The floating candles still gave that "Oh right, I'm a witch" feeling that brought a smile to my face. I made a beeline for my cable, instantly squeezing in between my two best friends. Without a greeting, I began filling my face with all sorts of food that was spread out on the vast table in front of me. As soon as it was as full as I perceived it was going to get, I sighed of happiness and looked at my two friends.

"Goooood morning!" I said, before stuffing my face with eggs and bacon.

"So it's only a good morning NOW?" Alex asked with a smirk on his face as he ran his hand through his short bleach blonde hair. Hailey just let out a laugh, as she knew I never greeted them until I had food. It was just how I worked.

"I have food, so yes." I replied around a piece of toast that was currently in my mouth.

"Sam....Ew." Hailey stated. "Chew and swallow first please." Alex and I just laughed as she rolled her eyes. I couldn't help but laugh at the two people that I had acquainted myself with. Alex and I had met in our first year as I was the one who welcomed him to the Gryffindor table, even though I had sat down not too long before him. Hailey had joined the crazy pair of us the next year. The three of us continued our chatter, occasionally bringing up how shocked we were about the twist that the headmaster threw upon us not more than a week ago...


"Attention students!" called the Headmaster, dressed in royal purple robes as he walked up to the podium in the Great Hall. The Hall fell silent as we all turned to him in existent and anxiousness.

"What do you think this is about?" I whispered to Hailey and Alex who both shrugged in response.

"I have thought long and hard about this decision and after a while of thinking I have come to a decision. I am bringing back the Triwizard Tournament." The Headmaster announced, sending the whole Hall into a hum of shocked whispers. He held up his hands, calling for silence. "While it is called a TRIwizard tournament, which means three, there have been twists in the past and so we are adding a twist of our own. Instead of Durmstrang and Beauxbatons joining us, this will be a Hogwarts competition with 4 contestants from each house. A total of 16 for those who struggle in arithmetic." I could hear scattered laughter throughout the Great Hall. "The cup will be placed somewhere in the halls where you may enter your name in if you believe that you would be able to compete. Good luck to all of you." The Headmaster finished his announcements and we all went back to eating.

"I'm entering." Alex announced.

"WHAT?!" Hailey practically yelled, shocked to her very core.

"I'm entering. It'll be fun." he explained.

"I'm doing it too." I stated.

"WHAT?!" Hailey shrieked again, her jet black hair nearly flying everywhere as she spun her head back and forth to look at Aled and I.

"Yeah. This'll be my chance to prove that I'm a real Gryffindor." I explained. "Alex, I'm in it with you." He laughed and we high fived as Hailey shook her head in disbelief. Triwizard cup, here I come.

*End Flashback*

"Good morning students!" The Headmaster announced, walking up to the podium. I smiled at Alex, knowing that it was most likely related to the tournament. The Headmaster stood at the stand, dressed in navy blue robes that made him seem as majestic as he did when I first saw him. "As you all know, it has been a week sense the Triwizard tournament was brought to your attent and that you all have entered your names over this period of time."

Harry Potter and the TriWizard Tournament (A Writing Competition)Where stories live. Discover now