Hufflepuff #3 - Kimble Winry-Dowel (greysmorningcoffee)

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Name of Character: Kimble Winry-Dowel

Age: 14

House: Hufflepuff

Gender: ??

Appearance: Somewhat dark, perhaps darker olive skin, with beautiful frizzy, curly, and short read hair. Freckles everywhere, and very very dark eyes. A bit on the chubbier side but not much. Wears loose clothing, and boots most of the time. A little shorter than average. Longer legs, arms and fingers. They have a gap in between their front teeth, and even if their mouth is open a lot, they don't normally talk.

Traits: Tends to be rather silent and soft spoken. They do not know a convenient time to speak. They are quite fragile, and slow, but they can hold their own. Very warm hearted. Much too much. They try to save others when it is needed, even though they know they should not be a hero- they cannot resist. They can be a bit sensitive. Very shaky, easy to make cry. Anxious, not very positive. But they try to be sunnier than not. Seemingly innocent and pure? They aren't. But they love to play that card.

Wand: Maplewood, unicorn hair core. Just shy of 10 and one quarter inches, reasonably supple.

Boggart: Seeing as their fear is the fear of losing the grasp of reality, a Boggart already does that. So the situation being, a multitude of clones of Kimble surrounding them and tearing at them, kicking at them. It is all quite realistic in their mind, though something unreal about it bugs him- he forgot it was ever a Boggart.

Patronus: Manx Cat

Blood Status: Muggleborn, unfortunately. This, they don't mention to most.

Background Info: Kimble has always stayed quiet. Always observing. Their looks were unique enough, enough to outcast them. They did talk with a voice, lower for a girl but higher for a boy. "Are you a boy or a girl?" and the answer was always, "yes". A small, forced yes. They probably meant no. In their later years of 7 and 8, their parents decided to split. They were left with their father, who was kindly, but blind and refusing to understand what Kimble explained. Kimble was often ridiculed for being quiet, but not to a very high degree. They themself understood that with time things would pass, and besides, their insults were poor in quality. At eleven, given the letter, thinking it was a joke but no way to tell, wrote a runaway note. They threw it away and decided to talk with their father instead. They both thought it was a prank, but the letters were overbearing anyway. Someone explained everything when they arrived. Kimble's father was not convinced. Kimble tried anyways, seeing that it was indeed real. So Kimble left. A few years into Hogwarts, they learned his father had gotten ill, still alive, in the hospital, but Kimble placed in custody of their mother. His mother was alright but Kimble opted to stay away from home. She was a normal parent, other than the fact she didn't seem to want Kimble very much, but nevertheless accepted by her and her new husband.

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