Gryffindor #1 - Samantha "Sam" Evans (Glader_Witch_Wolf)

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Name of Character: Samantha "Sam" Evans

Age: 16

House: Gryffindor

Gender: Female

Appearance: long, dark brown hair, piercing hazel eyes, round face (Lucy hale)

Traits: very passionate of things she enjoys/believes in, kind, not very strong with her arms but the hulk with her words when angry. Kind of awkward and shy at times but very loud once you get to know her. Tends to embarrass herself from time to time, especially around someone she views highly or has a crush on. Very smart, by doesn't like flaunting it. Extrovert. Protective.

Wand: Pear wood, Dragon heartstring core, 13" in length, Slightly Yielding flexibility

Boggart: her boggart would turn into herself surrounded by people she cares about her laughing at her or dead.

Patronus: Horse

Blood Status: Half-blood

Background Info: As a child Samantha was kept away from the wizarding world, her mother being a muggle while her father was a wizard. While her mother knew that she married a wizard, both of Sam's parents agreed that they shouldn't expose their child to the wizarding world until they believed it was time. When Samantha got her letter, it came as a shock to her but she quickly grasped the idea, having always loving fantasy books.

Samantha's best friend, Mary-Anne who was a muggle, didn't believe her and made fun of her, granting passage to the popular crowd. Sam wasn't very affected, knowing that she would be leaving soon and find someone that cared for her better than Mary-Anne had.

Sam's first year at Hogwarts threw her for a spin, the beautiful castles, a snarling potions teacher, and a nearly headless ghost that seemed to take a liking to her. She was placed into Gryffindor, which surprised her as she, nor anyone else, had never saw herself as being strong or brave. But she soon met her closest friends and Hogwarts became her home, her best classes being DADA transfiguration, her worst being Herbology and Potions. Now, with the triwizard tournament coming up, Sam jumped at the chance to prove to her classmates that she really did belong in Gryffindor.

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