Slytherin #3 - Freesia Blackwell (Enchantresses)

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Name of Character: Freesia Blackwell

Age: 17

House: Slytherin

Gender: Female

Appearance: Pale - a "ghost" some call her - with long, dark hair and intelligent grey eyes.

Traits: Cunning, sly, and ambitious, Freesia fits the Slytherin descriptor to a tee. Her quick wit and dry sarcasm can occasionally go undetected due to her otherwise serious nature. While ruthless, Freesia is not downright mean without good reason - though she's still a far shot from "friendly". She prefers independence, and can come off as a bit rude to those she doesn't know, though deep down she is fiercely sympathetic.

Wand: Maple wood, with a dragon heartstring core, 11½", and rigid flexibility

Boggart: Her own face, morphing into her mother's; or, a dark mark appearing on her arm.

Patronus: Fox

Blood Status: Pure-Blood

Background Info: Freesia and her softer elder sister, Caspia, were raised by both their parents - though "raised" may be a stretch. Her often-absent parents (especially her mother) made them both grow up rather quickly.

The Blackwells had a position of high power and respect, though only a few knew their dark secret - they were death-eaters, loyal servants of the Dark Lord, before their untimely demise doing You-Know-Who's dirty work.

Soon after their deaths, Freesia and Caspia inherited the money and the Blackwell mansion, and live there to this day, though if possible, Freesia prefers to deny the "unfounded claims" of the Blackwells' past, and make any excuse as to how they died, even to her own sister.

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