Ravenclaw #3 - Telyn Tran (TheCatKing)

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Name: Telyn Tran

Age: 17

House: Ravenclaw

Gender: Male

Appearance: Telyn stands at approximately five feet, seven inches tall— shorter than most of his peers, but he'll have to content himself with remaining taller than both his parents. He has dark brown hair with just a hint of auburn, cut in a style that falls across his forehead and somehow manages to stick up in ways that mock the laws of physics in the morning. He thinks he takes after his father in most respects with a slender (read: scrawny) build, high cheekbones and an angular jaw, and skin a light tan. (which would probably be darker if he spent anywhere close to the amount of recommended time outside.) His mother's genes show clear around his eyes, and in his well shaped but somewhat large nose. His fingers are long and frequently ink-stained, with nails bitten nearly to the pink as evidence of a bad habit his mother has been trying to break him of for nearly eight years. (If you want a picture: http://stylesweekly.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Asian-guys-haircuts.jpg If not, you can just delete this.)

Traits: When confronted with the Ravenclaw stereotype of the brilliant, magically talented teacher's pet, Telyn offers himself as a walking, talking refutation. Though far from stupid, he really has trouble bringing himself to care about his magical coursework. As a result, he's been barely scraping "Acceptable" in most of his classes (Ancient Runes is an exception, as he simply adores languages, and Divination, as he figured out long ago that it's impossible to distinguish between the Sight and vaguely phrased guesswork.) His true passion and intelligence shine only when he finds a subject that fascinates him, and those subjects are almost universally languages of origins both magical and Muggle. Ordinarily, he finds it difficult (read: boring) to communicate with his peers on trivial subjects like "grades," "career paths," and "Damn it, Tel, do you actually want to fail out of school?" However, he becomes far more animated and outgoing as soon as he finds a conversation with something meaningful to say.

Wand: Hornbeam with phoenix feather, 10 inches precisely, unyielding

Boggart: The Babadook, a movie monster which cemented two beliefs in his psyche: that the horror genre is really not for him, and that Australians all need serious therapy. Think a suit with a pale face and sharp teeth that will steal your will. Also large claws.

Patronus: A misshapen glob of silvery mist with no real stopping power against a dementor. Don't judge him, okay? Patronus Charms are hard, and he's never really been one for DADA.

Blood Status: Poorly defined. He figures he's somewhere between half-blood and pureblood. What do you call someone whose mother is a half-blood witch who dove entirely into the Wizarding world, and whose father is a pureblood wizard whose day job is as a Muggle social worker?

Background Info: Telyn was born in Colwyn, Wales, to Ceridwen Powell and Nhat Tran. For the first ten years of his life he attended Muggle schooling according to his father's wishes— Nhat's disillusionment with the insular Wizarding culture in Britain had created within him a firm belief that his son ought to have basic functionality in both worlds. At eleven, however, his mother insisted that he attend Hogwarts. He was promptly sorted into Ravenclaw and came to the rather disappointing conclusion that learning how to bend reality with one's will and words was...boring. His grades suffered the consequence of an intelligent student's apathy, and began to suffer from year 2 onwards. His extracurricular studies, on the other hand, revealed the extent of his linguistic skill— he is the only individual at Hogwarts, including the faculty, to have complete mastery of four languages (English, French, Welsh, and Mermish) as well as competence in another three. Of course, his skills there might bring him more trouble than they're worth this coming year...

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