Round 2 - Entries

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Samantha Evans

Samantha breathed deeply, telling herself to stay calm as she took the red ribbon bound scroll in her hands. She knew that it controlled her future throughout the rest of the competition and any mistake would send her status spiraling. Sam fiddled with the loose ends of the bow, as she walked over to the rest of her team. She took one last deep breath before talking strategy.

"How're we gonna take this?" She asked, looking at each of her teammates in turn. Brooklyn Menace, Naomi Maxwell and Ryan Lock.

"These four things you must find, In this Forest in an hour's time." Brooklyn read from the scroll.

"I have an idea." Naomi offered. The three other teammates nodded, telling her to go on. "What if we split into teams of two. Each pair is in charge of 2 items."

"Sounds good to me." Ryan agreed. Both Samantha and Brooklyn expressed their agreements.

"What do we have to find?" Sam asked Brooklyn, who held her unrolled scroll.

"Acromantula web silk, unicorn tail hair, centaur's arrow and something that is "Hidden from the bold but not the meek." She answered. Samantha sighed, exasperatedly.

"Great. We have to be the house of the bold and the brave!" Sam yelled, throwing her hands in the air in defeat.

"Don't give up that quick. Sheep and Lambs symbolize meek." Naomi offered. The Gryffindors stopped and pondered on that pice of information.

"What about we split up, and whichever group gets the riddle will work on it themselves and if they're stuck we'll meet back up." Ryan offered. The other three nodded and turned to face Ryan. "Who wants the Acromantula silk?"

"I don't do well with poison and fangs." Brooklyn said. "I'd be willing to try and find the arrow."

"I'll help with Acromantula." Samantha offered, hoping that she wouldn't go back on her idea. Naomi nodded.

"I'll help Brooklyn, and can we have the unicorn hair?" Naomi asked.

"I'm fine with the riddle if you are, Ryan." Samantha agreed, running a hand through her dark hair.

"So, Brooklyn and Naomi and then Samantha and I." Ryan said. The witches and wizard all pulled out their wands and touched them together, like muggle sports players do with their hands before a game.

"GRYFFINDOR!" They yelled before separating on our own paths.

"To the Acromantula cave?" Ryan asked.

"To the Acromantula!" Samantha agreed, and they set off down one of many dark paths in the forest. The pair walked through the trees, wands out and at the ready. To Samantha, every tree that she passed by looked the exact same.

Ryan was a few steps ahead of Sam and saw the clue before she did. "Sam!" He yelled. "Spiders!" Samantha ran and caught up with her partner and noticed a patch of light from Ryan's wand. In the patch was a few small spiders all scurrying in the same direction. The two Gryffindors took off, following the spiders through the dark. When Sam and Ryan finally made t to the cave opening, Samantha's courage has lessened greatly.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" She asked. "Just walking in there?"

"Well, we have to get the silk some way." Ryan said, shrugging. "Besides. We won't have to go too far." He walked over to a corner of the cave's opening and crouched down, picking something up. "See, easy!" Samantha laughed and began to back up, keeping her eyes on Ryan. They had made it a few steps when Samantha saw a moving shadow that made her blood run cold.

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